function fits_ascii_encode, sum32 ;+ ; NAME: ; FITS_ASCII_ENCODE() ; PURPOSE: ; Encode an unsigned longword as an ASCII string to insert in a FITS header ; EXPLANATION: ; Follows the July 2007 version of the FITS checksum proposal at ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = FITS_ASCII_ENCODE( sum32) ; INPUTS: ; sum32 - 32bit *unsigned longword* (e.g. as returned by CHECKSUM32) ; RESULT: ; A 16 character scalar string suitable for the CHECKSUM keyword ; EXAMPLE: ; A FITS header/data unit has a checksum of 868229149. Encode the ; complement of this value (3426738146) into an ASCII string ; ; IDL> print,FITS_ASCII_ENCODE(3426738146U) ; ===> "hcHjjc9ghcEghc9g" ; ; METHOD: ; The 32bit value is interpreted as a sequence of 4 unsigned 8 bit ; integers, and divided by 4. Add an offset of 48b (ASCII '0'). ; Remove non-alphanumeric ASCII characters (byte values 58-64 and 91-96) ; by simultaneously incrementing and decrementing the values in pairs. ; Cyclicly shift the string one place to the right. ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman SSAI December 2002 ; Use V6.0 notation W.L. August 2013 ;- if N_Params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - result = FITS_ASCII_ENCODE( sum32)' return,'0' endif ; Non-alphanumeric ASCII characters exclude = [58b,59b,60b,61b,62b,63b,64b,91b,92b,93b,94b,95b,96b] ch = bytarr(16) t = byte(sum32,0,4) byteorder,t,/htonl quot = t/4 + 48b for i=0,12,4 do ch[i] = quot remain = t mod 4 ch[0] = ch[0:3] + remain ;Insert the remainder in the first 4 bytes ;Step through the 16 bytes, 8 at a time, removing nonalphanumeric characters repeat begin check = 0b for j=0,1 do begin il = j*8 for i=il,il+3 do begin bad = where( (exclude EQ ch[i]) or (exclude Eq ch[i+4]) , Nbad) if Nbad GT 0 then begin ch[i]++ ch[i+4]-- check=1b endif endfor endfor endrep until (check EQ 0b) return, string( shift(ch,1)) end