pro fits_add_checksum, hdr, im, no_timestamp = no_timestamp, $ FROM_IEEE=from_IEEE ;+ ; NAME: ; FITS_ADD_CHECKSUM ; PURPOSE: ; Add or update the CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords in a FITS header ; EXPLANATION: ; Follows the May 2002 version of the FITS checksum proposal at ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FITS_ADD_CHECKSUM, Hdr, [ Data, /No_TIMESTAMP, /FROM_IEEE ] ; INPUT-OUTPUT: ; Hdr - FITS header (string array), it will be updated with new ; (or modified) CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; Data - data array associated with the FITS header. If not supplied, or ; set to a scalar, then the program checks whether there is a ; DATASUM keyword already in the FITS header containing the 32bit ; checksum for the data. If there is no such keyword then there ; assumed to be no data array associated with the FITS header. ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; /FROM_IEEE - If this keyword is set, then the input is assumed to be in ; big endian format (e.g. an untranslated FITS array). This ; keyword only has an effect on little endian machines (e.g. ; a Linux box). ; /No_TIMESTAMP - If set, then a time stamp is not included in the comment ; field of the CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords. Unless the ; /No_TIMESTAMP keyword is set, repeated calls to FITS_ADD_CHECKSUM ; with the same header and data will yield different values of ; CHECKSUM (as the date stamp always changes). However, use of the ; date stamp is recommended in the checksum proposal. ; PROCEDURES USED: ; CHECKSUM32, FITS_ASCII_ENCODE(), GET_DATE, SXADDPAR, SXPAR() ; REVISION HISTORY: ; W. Landsman SSAI December 2002 ; Fix problem with images with a multiple of 2880 bytes. W.L. May 2008 ; Avoid conversion error when DATASUM is an empty string W.L. June 2008 ; Don't update DATASUM if not already present and no data array supplied ; W.L. July 2008 ; Make sure input header array has 80 chars/line W.L. Aug 2009 ; Make sure CHECKSUM is placed right after an already present DATASUM ; keyword. Mats Löfdahl October 2019 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_params() EQ 0 then begin print,'Syntax - FITS_ADD_CHECKSUM, Hdr, Data, /No_TIMESTAMP, /FROM_IEEE' return endif datasum = sxpar(hdr,'DATASUM', Count = N_DATASUM) Nim = N_elements(im) datasum_update = 1b if Nim GT 1 then begin checksum32,im, dsum,FROM_IEEE = from_IEEE remain = Nim mod 2880 if remain GT 0 then begin exten = sxpar( hdr, 'XTENSION', Count = N_exten) if N_exten GT 0 then if exten EQ 'TABLE ' then $ checksum32,[dsum,replicate(32b,2880-remain)],dsum endif sdsum = strtrim(dsum,2) dsum_exist= 1b endif else begin if N_datasum EQ 0 then begin ;Don't update DATASUM keyword datasum_update = 0b sdsum = ' 0' endif else begin if strtrim(datasum,2) EQ '' then dsum=0 else dsum = ulong(datasum) sdsum = strtrim(dsum,2) endelse endelse if keyword_set(no_timestamp) then tm = '' else Get_date,tm,/timetag ; Do the Checksum keywords already exist? if N_DATASUM GT 0 then verb = 'updated ' else verb = 'created ' if datasum_update then sxaddpar,hdr,'DATASUM', sdsum, $ ' data unit checksum ' + verb + tm test = sxpar(hdr,'CHECKSUM', Count = N_CHECKSUM) if N_CHECKSUM GT 0 then verb = 'updated ' else verb = 'created ' sxaddpar,hdr,'CHECKSUM','0000000000000000', after = 'DATASUM', $ ' HDU checksum ' + verb + tm ;Initialize CHECKSUM keyword ;Make sure each line in header is 80 characters if ~array_equal(strlen(hdr),80) then begin n = N_elements(hdr) bhdr = replicate(32b,80,n ) for i=0, n-1 do bhdr[0,i] = byte(hdr[i]) endif else bhdr = byte(hdr) remain = N_elements(bhdr) mod 2880 if remain NE 0 then $ bhdr = [reform(bhdr,N_elements(bhdr)), replicate(32b, 2880 - remain) ] checksum32,bhdr, hsum, /NoSAVE if N_elements(dsum) GT 0 then checksum32, [dsum,hsum], hdusum $ else hdusum = hsum ch = FITS_ASCII_ENCODE(not hdusum) ;ASCII encode the complement of the checksum sxaddpar,hdr,'CHECKSUM',ch, after = 'DATASUM' return end