pro dbhelp,flag,TEXTOUT=textout,sort=sort ;+ ; NAME: ; DBHELP ; PURPOSE: ; List available databases or items in the currently open database ; EXPLANATION: ; Procedure to either list available databases (if no database is ; currently open) or the items in the currently open database. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dbhelp, [ flag , TEXTOUT=, /SORT ] ; ; INPUT: ; flag - (optional) if set to nonzero then item or database ; descriptions are also printed ; default=0 ; If flag is a string, then it is interpreted as the ; name of a data base (if no data base is opened) or a name ; of an item in the opened data base. In this case, help ; is displayed only for the particular item or database ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; TEXTOUT - Used to determine output device. If not present, the ; value of !TEXTOUT system variable is used (see TEXTOPEN ) ; ; textout=0 Nowhere ; textout=1 if a TTY then TERMINAL using /more option ; otherwise standard (Unit=-1) output ; textout=2 if a TTY then TERMINAL without /more option ; otherwise standard (Unit=-1) output ; textout=3 .prt ; textout=4 laser.tmp ; textout=5 user must open file ; textout=7 same as 3 but text is appended to .prt ; file if it already exists. ; textout = filename (default extension of .prt) ; ; /SORT - If set and non-zero, then the help items will be displayed ; sorted alphabetically. If more than one database is open, ; then this keyword does nothing. ; METHOD: ; If no data base is opened then a list of data bases are ; printed, otherwise the items in the open data base are printed. ; ; If a string is supplied for flag and a data base is opened ; flag is assumed to be an item name. The information for that ; item is printed along with contents in a optional file ; zdbase:dbname_itemname.hlp ; if a string is supplied for flag and no data base is opened, ; then string is assumed to be the name of a data base file. ; only information for that file is printed along with an ; optional file zdbase:dbname.hlp. ; PROCEDURES USED: ; DB_INFO(),DB_ITEM_INFO(),FIND_WITH_DEF(), TEXTOPEN, TEXTCLOSE, UNIQ() ; IDL VERSION: ; V5.3 or later (uses vectorized FDECOMP) ; HISTORY: ; Version 2 D. Lindler Nov 1987 (new db format) ; Faster printing of title desc. W. Landsman May 1989 ; Keyword textout added, J. Isensee, July, 1990 ; Modified to work on Unix, D. Neill, ACC, Feb 1991. ; William Thompson, GSFC/CDS (ARC), 1 June 1994 ; Added support for external (IEEE) representation. ; William Thompson, GSFC, 3 November 1994 ; Modified to allow ZDBASE to be a path string. ; Remove duplicate database names Wayne Landsman December 1994 ; 8/17/95 jkf/acc - force lowercase filenames for .hlp files. ; Added /SORT keyword J. Sandoval/W. Landsman October 1998 ; V5.3 version use vectorized FDECOMP W. Landsman February 2001 ; Recognize 64 bit, unsigned integer datatypes W. Landsman September 2001 ; Fix display of number of bytes with /SORT W. Landsman February 2002 ; Assume since V5.2 W. Landsman February 2002 ; Assume since V5.5 W. Landsman ; Define !TEXTOUT if not already defined W. Landsman April 2016 ;- ;**************************************************************************** defsysv,'!TEXTUNIT',exist=i if i EQ 0 then astrolib ; ; get flag value ; stn='' if N_params() GT 0 then begin if size(flag,/TNAME) EQ 'STRING' then $ ;item name or db name stn=strtrim(flag) endif else flag = 0 ;flag not supplied ; ; Are any data bases opened? ; opened = db_info('OPEN') if opened then begin if stn EQ '' then xtype=1 $ ;all items else xtype=2 ;single item end else begin if stn EQ '' then xtype=3 $ ;all db's else xtype=4 ;single db end ; ; determine where user wants output...default terminal. ; if N_elements(textout) EQ 0 then textout = !textout ;use default output dev. ; textopen,'dbhelp',textout=textout ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; if data base open then print info for it ; if opened then begin ;data base opened? ; ; get list of items to print ; if xtype eq 1 then begin ;all items? nitems=db_info('items') ;number of items itnums=indgen(nitems) end else begin nitems=1 db_item,stn,itnums end ; ; get information on the items ; names = db_item_info('NAME',itnums) ;item names idltype = db_item_info('IDLTYPE',itnums) ;data type nbytes = db_item_info('NBYTES',itnums) ;number of bytes desc = db_item_info('DESCRIPTION',itnums) ;description pointer = db_item_info('POINTER',itnums) ;file it points to index = db_item_info('INDEX',itnums) ;index type pflag = db_item_info('PFLAG',itnums) ;pointer item flag dbnumber = db_item_info('DBNUMBER',itnums) ;opened data base number pnumber = db_item_info('PNUMBER',itnums) ;opened data base it points to nvalues = db_item_info('NVALUES',itnums) ;number of values for vector if keyword_set(sort) && (max(dbnumber) EQ 0) then begin nsort = sort(names) names = names[nsort] idltype = idltype[nsort] desc = desc[nsort] nvalues = nvalues[nsort] nbytes = nbytes[nsort] endif ; ; get names and descriptions of opened db's ; if flag then begin ;print descrip.? desc = strtrim(desc) printf,!textunit,' ' printf,!textunit,'----- '+db_info('name',dbnumber[0]) +' '+ $ db_info('title',dbnumber[0]) printf,!textunit,' ITEM TYPE DESCRIPTION' for i=0,nitems-1 do begin if i NE 0 then if dbnumber[i] ne dbnumber[i-1] then begin printf,!textunit,' ' printf,!textunit,'----- '+db_info('name',dbnumber[i]) +' '+ $ db_info('title',dbnumber[i]) printf,!textunit,' ITEM TYPE DESCRIPTION' end case idltype[i] of 1: type = 'byte' 2: type = 'int*2' 3: type = 'int*4' 4: type = 'real*4' 5: type = 'real*8' 7: type = 'char*'+strtrim(nbytes[i],2) 12: type = 'uint*2' 13: type = 'uint*4' 14: type = 'int*8' 15: type = 'uint*8' end while strlen(type) lt 8 do type=type+' ' qname = names[i] if nvalues[i] GT 1 then begin qname=strtrim(qname) qname=qname+'('+strtrim(nvalues[i],2)+')' while strlen(qname) lt 20 do qname=qname+' ' end printf,!textunit,strmid(qname,0,18),' ',type,' ', desc[i] end end else begin ;just print item names printf,!textunit,form='(1x,7a11)',names end ; ; print index information ----------------------------------------- ; if (xtype EQ 1) && (total(index) GT 0) then begin if xtype EQ 1 then begin printf,!textunit,' ' printf,!textunit,'------- Indexed Items ------' indexed=where(index) printf,!textunit,names[indexed] end else begin printf,!textunit,'The item is indexed' end end ; ; print pointer information ---------------------------------------- ; if (total(pflag) GT 0) && (xtype EQ 1) then begin good = where( pflag, n) printf,!textunit,' ' printf,!textunit,'----- Pointer Information ----' for i=0,n-1 do begin pos=good[i] if pnumber[pos] GT 0 then popen=' (presently opened)' $ else popen='' printf,!textunit,strtrim(db_info('name',dbnumber[pos]))+ $ '.'+strtrim(names[pos])+' ---> '+ $ strtrim(pointer[pos])+popen end end ; ; print information on data base size ---------------------------- ; printf,!textunit,' ' if xtype EQ 1 then printf,!textunit,'data base contains', $ db_info('ENTRIES',0),' entries' ; ; print data base information -------------------------------- ; end else begin ;list data bases if stn EQ '' then begin names=list_with_path('*.dbh', 'ZDBASE', COUNT=n) ;get list if n EQ 0 then message,'No databases found in ZDBASE directory' endif else begin names=list_with_path(stn+'*.dbh', 'ZDBASE', COUNT=n) ;get list if n EQ 0 then message,'Unable to locate database '+stn endelse fdecomp,names,disk,dir,fnames fsort = uniq(fnames,sort(fnames)) n = N_elements(fsort) if flag then begin ;print description from .DBH file get_lun,unit names = names[fsort] b=bytarr(79) ;Database title is 79 bytes for i=0,n-1 do begin openr,unit,names[i],error=err if err NE 0 then message,/CON, 'Error opening ' + names[i] readu,unit,b printf,!TEXTUNIT,strtrim(b[0:78],2) close,unit endfor free_lun,unit endif else $ ;just print names printf,!textunit,form='(A,T20,A,T40,A,T60,A)',fnames[fsort] endelse ; ; now print aux help file info if flag was a string --------------------- ; if stn NE '' then begin if xtype EQ 4 then file=find_with_def(stn+'.hlp', 'ZDBASE') $ else file=find_with_def(strlowcase( $ strtrim(db_info( 'NAME', dbnumber[0]))+ $ '_' + strtrim(names[0]) + '.hlp'), 'ZDBASE') openr,unit,strlowcase(file),error=err,/get_lun if err EQ 0 then begin st='' while not eof(unit) do begin readf,unit,st printf,!textunit,st end; while free_lun,unit endif end ; ; close unit opened by TEXTOPEN ; textclose, TEXTOUT = textout return end