;+ ; NAME: ; DBEDIT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Interactively edit specified fields in an IDL database. ; EXPLANATION: ; The value of each field is displayed, and the user has the option ; of changing or keeping the value. Widgets will be used if they ; are available. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dbedit, list, [ items ] ; ; INPUTS: ; list - scalar or vector of database entry numbers. Set list = 0 to ; interactively add a new entry to a database. Set list = -1 to edit ; all entries. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; items - list of items to be edited. If omitted, all fields can be ; edited. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; BYTENUM = If set, treat byte variables as numbers instead of ; characters. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; DB_COM -- contains information about the opened database. ; DBW_C -- contains information intrinsic to this program. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Will update the database files. ; ; RESTRICTIIONS: ; Database must be opened for update prior to running ; this program. User must be running DBEDIT from an ; account that has write privileges to the databases. ; ; If one is editing an indexed item, then after all edits are complete, ; DBINDEX will be called to reindex the entire item. This may ; be time consuming. ; ; Cannot be used to edit items with multiple values ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Suppose one had new parallaxes for all stars fainter than 5th magnitude ; in the Yale Bright Star Catalog and wanted to update the PRLAX and ; PRLAX_CODE fields with these new numbers ; ; IDL> !priv=2 ; IDL> dbopen, 'yale_bs', 1 ;Open catalog for update ; IDL> list = dbfind( 'v>5') ;Find fainter than 5th magnitude ; IDL> dbedit, list, 'prlax, prlax_code' ;Manual entry of new values ; ; PROCEDURE: ; (1) Use the cursor and point to the value you want to edit. ; (2) Type the new field value over the old field value. ; (3) When you are done changing all of the field values for each entry ; save the entry to the databases by pressing 'SAVE ENTRY TO DATABASES'. ; Here all of the values will be checked to see if they are the correct ; data type. If a field value is not of the correct data type, it will ; not be saved. ; ; Use the buttons "PREV ENTRY" and "NEXT ENTRY" to move between entry ; numbers. You must save each entry before going on to another entry in ; order for your changes to be saved. ; ; Pressing "RESET THIS ENTRY" will remove any unsaved changes to the ; current entry. ; ;REVISION HISTORY: ; Adapted from Landsman's DBEDIT ; added widgets, Melissa Marsh, HSTX, August 1993 ; do not need to press return after entering each entry, ; fixed layout problem on SUN, ; Melissa Marsh, HSTX, January 1994 ; Only updates the fields which are changed. Joel Offenberg, HSTX, Mar 94 ; Corrected test for changed fields Wayne Landsman HSTX, Mar 94 ; Removed a couple of redundant statements W. Landsman HSTX Jan 96 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Replace DATAYPE() with size(/TNAME) W. Landsman November 2001 ; Work for entry numbers > 32767 W. Landsman December 2001 ; Added /BYTENUM William Thompson 13-Mar-2006 ; Use DIALOG_MESSAGE for error messages W. Landsman April 2006 ; Assume since V5.5, remove VMS support W. Landsman Sep 2006 ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;event handler for main part of program pro widgetedit_event,event common db_com,qdb,QITEMS,QDBREC common dbw_c,liston,main,holder,widlabel,widtext,middle,nitems,names,$ it,itnum,dtype,numvals,sbyte,nbytes,buts,prevbut,but2,resetbut,$ endbut,nextbut,mid,minlist,maxlist,savebut,bigmid,entry,wid_warn,$ holder0,widtext0,widlabel0,thislist,nlist,wereat,newflag,bytenum CASE event.id OF endbut: widget_control,event.top,/destroy ;destory main widget--end session prevbut:begin ;go to previous entry if wereat ne 0 then wereat= wereat-1 liston = thislist[wereat] widedit end nextbut:begin ;go to next entry if wereat lt nlist-1 then wereat = wereat+1 else $ widget_control,event.top,/destroy ;end session liston = thislist[wereat] widedit end resetbut:begin ;reset this entry liston = liston widedit end savebut: begin ;save entry to databases ;update database for i = 0, nitems -1 do begin widget_control,widtext[i],get_value=val ;test value valid = 0 oldval = dbxval(entry,dtype[i],numvals[i],sbyte[i],nbytes[i]) on_ioerror,BADVAL IF (strtrim(oldval[0],2) ne (strtrim(val[0],2))) THEN BEGIN oldval[0] = strtrim(val,2) valid = 1 dbxput,oldval,entry,dtype[i],sbyte[i],nbytes[i] print,strcompress('Entry ' + string(liston) +': ' + $ names[i] + ' = ' + string(val)) newflag[ wereat, i ] = 1b BADVAL: if (not valid) then begin result = dialog_message(title='Bad Value',/ERROR, $ 'Item '+ strcompress(names[i],/rem) + $ ' must be of type ' + size(oldval[0],/TNAME) ) str = dbxval(entry,dtype[i],numvals[i],sbyte[i],nbytes[i]) if (dtype[i] eq 1) and keyword_set(bytenum) then str=fix(str) str = ' '+string(str[0]) widget_control,widtext[i],set_value=str endif endIF on_ioerror,NULL endfor if (liston EQ 0) then begin dbwrt,entry,0,1 ;new entry endif else begin dbwrt,entry endelse widedit ;create widget telling the user that the changes have been made. end else: ;donothing endcase end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- pro widedit ;program that makes "middle" of main widget (field values) common db_com,qdb,QITEMS,QDBREC common dbw_c,liston,main,holder,widlabel,widtext,middle,nitems,names,$ it,itnum,dtype,numvals,sbyte,nbytes,buts,prevbut,but2,resetbut,$ endbut,nextbut,mid,minlist,maxlist,savebut,bigmid,entry,wid_warn,$ holder0,widtext0,widlabel0,thislist,nlist,wereat,newflag,bytenum ;get entry number dbrd, liston, entry ;get field values for this entry widget_control, widtext0, set_value=string(liston) for i = 0,nitems-1 do begin str = dbxval(entry,dtype[i],numvals[i],sbyte[i],nbytes[i]) if (dtype[i] eq 1) and keyword_set(bytenum) then str=fix(str) str = ' '+string(str[0]) widget_control,widtext[i],set_value=str endfor ;check to see if this entry is the minimum or maximum entry if (liston EQ minlist) then widget_control,prevbut,sensitive=0 else $ widget_control,prevbut,sensitive=1 if (liston EQ maxlist) then widget_control,nextbut,sensitive=0 else $ widget_control,nextbut,sensitive=1 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;main program pro dbedit,list,items,bytenum=k_bytenum compile_opt idl2 common db_com,qdb,QITEMS,QDBREC ;Nitems - Number elements in input list ;Thislist - Sorted list of entry numbers ;Minlist - Minimum input entry number ;Maxlist - Maximum input entry number ;Liston - The current entry number being edited (scalar) ;wereat - The index of ThisList vector being edited, i.e. Thislist(wereat)=LIston ;dtype - data type(s) (1=string,2=byte,4=i*4,...) ;sbyte - starting byte(s) in entry ;numvals - number of data values for item(s) ; NOTE: dtype, sbyte, numvals are dimensioned for *all* entries common dbw_c,liston,main,holder,widlabel,widtext,middle,nitems,names,$ it,itnum,dtype,numvals,sbyte,nbytes,buts,prevbut,but2,resetbut,$ endbut,nextbut,mid,minlist,maxlist,savebut,bigmid,entry,wid_warn,$ holder0,widtext0,widlabel0,thislist,nlist,wereat,newflag,bytenum On_error,2 if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'Syntax - dbedit, list, [ items ]' return endif ;Set the value of bytenum bytenum = keyword_set(k_bytenum) ;make sure widgets are available if (!D.FLAGS AND 65536) EQ 0 then begin dbedit_basic, list, items return endif ;check to make sure database is open ;first check to see if there is an open database s = size(qdb) if (s[0] EQ 0) then begin result = dialog_message(/ERROR, title='NOT OPEN FOR UPDATE', $ 'No database has been opened') goto, PROEND endif ;check to make sure the database is opened for update dbname = db_info('NAME',0) if not db_info('UPDATE') then begin result = dialog_message(/ERROR, title='NOT OPEN FOR UPDATE', $ 'Database ' + dbname + ' must be opened for update.') goto,PROEND endif ;check parameters zparcheck, 'DBEDIT', list, 1, [1,2,3], [0,1], 'Database entry numbers' ;get items. If items not specified use all items except ENTRY if ( N_params() LT 2 ) then begin nitems = db_info('ITEMS',0) -1 items = indgen(nitems) + 1 endif nlist = N_elements(list) if nlist gt 1 then begin ;sort entry numbers sar = sort(list) thislist = list[sar] endif else begin thislist = lonarr(1) thislist[0] = list endelse ;edit all entries? get number of entries if ( list[0] EQ -1 ) then begin nlist = db_info('ENTRIES',0) if nlist le 0 then begin print,'Empty database cannot be edited. Use list=0 to add new entry' goto, PROEND endif thislist = lindgen(nlist) + 1 endif minlist = min(thislist, max = maxlist) nentry = db_info('ENTRIES',0) if (maxlist gt nentry) then begin result = dialog_message(title='INVALID ENTRY NUMBER',/ERROR, $ dbname + ' entry numbers must be less than ' + strtrim(nentry+1,2) ) goto, PROEND endif nitems = db_info('ITEMS',0) -1 allitems = indgen(nitems) + 1 ;get information about items db_item,allitems,itnum,ivalnum,dtype,sbyte,numvals,nbytes nvalues = db_item_info('nvalues') db_item,items,it nit = n_elements(it) ;Number of items to be edited names = db_item_info('name',itnum) ;Get names of each item newflag = bytarr(nlist,nitems) ;Keeps track of fields actually updated wereat = 0 liston = thislist[wereat] dbrd,liston,entry ;create widget and display main = widget_base(/COLUMN,title='Widgetized Database Editor') w1 = widget_label(main,value='****** ' + dbname + ' ******') bigmid = widget_base(main,/column,x_scroll_size=325,y_scroll_size=650) butbase = widget_base(main,/column,/frame) savebut = widget_button(butbase,value='SAVE THIS ENTRY') buts = widget_base(butbase,/row) prevbut = widget_button(buts,value='<- PREV ENTRY') but2 = widget_base(buts,/column) resetbut = widget_button(but2,value='RESET THIS ENTRY') endbut = widget_button(but2,value='END SESSION') nextbut = widget_button(buts,value='NEXT ENTRY ->') widlabel = lonarr(nitems+1) widtext = lonarr(nitems+1) holder = lonarr(nitems+1) mid = widget_base(bigmid,/column) holder0 = widget_base(mid,/row) widlabel0 =widget_label(holder0,value=' ENTRY NUMBER ',/frame) num = string(liston) widtext0 = widget_label(holder0,value=num) middle = widget_base(mid,/column) for i = 0,nitems-1 do begin ed = 'N' str1 = names[i] for j = 0, N_elements(it)-1 do begin if it[j] EQ itnum[i] then ed = 'Y' endfor str = dbxval(entry,dtype[i],numvals[i],sbyte[i],nbytes[i]) if (dtype[i] eq 1) and keyword_set(bytenum) then str=fix(str) str = ' ' + string(str[0]) if ed eq 'Y' then begin holder[i] = widget_base(middle,/row) widlabel[i] = widget_label(holder[i],value = str1,/frame) widtext[i] = widget_text(holder[i],/frame,value=str,/edit) endif else begin holder[i] = widget_base(middle,/row) widlabel[i] = widget_label(holder[i],value = str1,/frame) widtext[i] = widget_label(holder[i],value=str) endelse endfor if (liston EQ minlist) then widget_control,prevbut,sensitive=0 else $ widget_control,prevbut,sensitive=1 if (liston EQ maxlist) then widget_control,nextbut,sensitive=0 else $ widget_control,nextbut,sensitive=1 widget_control,main,/realize xmanager,'widgetedit',main newitem = total(newflag, 1) indexnum = where(newitem, nindex) if ( nindex GT 0 ) then begin ;Any mods made? indexnum = itnum[indexnum] indextype = db_item_info('INDEX',indexnum);Index type of modified fields good = where(indextype GE 1, Ngood) ;Which fields are indexed? if Ngood GT 0 then begin message, 'Now updating index file', /INF dbindex, indexnum[good] endif dbopen,strlowcase(dbname),1 endif PROEND: return end