pro dbdelete, list, name, DEBUG = debug ;+ ; NAME: ; DBDELETE ; PURPOSE: ; Deletes specified entries from data base ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; DBDELETE, list, [ name, /DEBUG ] ; ; INPUTS: ; list - list of entries to be deleted, scalar or vector ; name - optional name of data base, scalar string. If not specified ; then the data base file must be previously opened for update ; by DBOPEN. ; ; OPERATIONAL NOTES: ; !PRIV must be at least 3 to execute. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; The data base file (ZDBASE:name.dbf) is modified by removing the ; specified entries and reordering the remaining entry numbers ; accordingly (ie. if you delete entry 100, it will be replaced ; by entry 101 and the database will contain 1 less entry. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Delete entries in a database STARS where RA=DEC = 0.0 ; ; IDL> !PRIV= 3 ;Set privileges ; IDL> dbopen,'STARS',1 ;Open for update ; IDL> list = dbfind('ra=0.0,dec=0.0') ;Obtain LIST vector ; IDL> dbdelete, list ;Delete specified entries from db ; ; NOTES: ; The procedure is rather slow because the entire database is re- ; created with the specified entries deleted. ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; DEBUG - if this keyword is set and non-zero, then additional ; diagnostics will be printed as each entry is deleted. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; DBCOM ; PROCEDURE CALLS: ; DBINDEX, DB_INFO(), DBOPEN, DBPUT, ZPARCHECK ; HISTORY ; Version 2 D. Lindler July, 1989 ; Updated documentation W. Landsman December 1992 ; William Thompson, GSFC, 28 February 1995 ; Fixed bug when external representation used. ; Fixed for case where second parameter supplied W. Landsman April 1996 ; Use keyword DEBUG rather than !DEBUG W. Landsman May 1997 ; Don't call DBINDEX if no indexed items W. Landsman May 2006 ; Use TRUNCATE_LUN if V5.6 or later W. Landsman Sep 2006 ; Fix problem when deleting last entry W. Landsman Mar 2007 ; Assume since V5.6 so TRUNCATE_LUN is available W. Landsman ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_params() EQ 0 then begin print,'Syntax - DBDELETE, entry, [ dbname ]' return endif ; data base common block common db_com,QDB,QITEMS,QDBREC ; Check parameters zparcheck, 'DBDELETE', list, 1, [1,2,3], [0,1], 'entry list' if N_params() GT 1 then $ zparcheck, 'dbdelete', name, 2, 7, 0, 'data base name' if !PRIV lt 3 then $ message,'!priv must be at least 3 to execute' ; Open data base if name supplied if N_params() GT 1 then dbopen,name,1 else begin ;Open specified database if not db_info( 'OPEN') then $ message,'No database open for update' if not db_info('update') then $ message,'Database '+ db_info('NAME',0) + ' not open for update' endelse ; Determine whether or not the database uses external data representation. external = qdb[119] eq 1 ; Create vector if list is a scalar outrec = 0L ; Create counter of output record len = db_info('length') ; loop on entries in data base qnentry = db_info('ENTRIES',0) for i = 1L, qnentry do begin ; Is it to be kept? found = where( list EQ i, Nfound) if keyword_set(debug) then print,i,nfound ; allow diags. if ( Nfound LE 0 ) then begin outrec = outrec + 1 ; increment counter if ( outrec NE i ) then begin entry = qdbrec[i] tmp = outrec if external then byteorder,tmp,/htonl dbput, 0, tmp, entry ; modify entry number qdbrec[outrec] = entry endif endif endfor ; Update adjusted total number of entries. qdb[84] = byte( outrec,0,4 ) ; Truncate the .dbf file at the current position. unit = db_info('unit_dbf') point_lun, unit, long64(outrec+1)*len truncate_lun, unit ; Update index file indextype = db_item_info( 'INDEX') if total(indextype) NE 0 then dbindex if N_params() GT 1 then dbclose return ; dbdelete end ; dbdelete