function dbcircle, ra_cen, dec_cen, radius, dis, sublist,SILENT=silent, $ TO_J2000 = to_J2000, TO_B1950 = to_B1950, GALACTIC= galactic, $ COUNT = nfound ;+ ; NAME: ; DBCIRCLE ; PURPOSE: ; Find sources in a database within specified radius of specified center ; EXPLANATION: ; Database must include items named 'RA' (in hours) and 'DEC' (in degrees) ; and must have previously been opened with DBOPEN ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; list = DBCIRCLE( ra_cen, dec_cen, [radius, dis, sublist, /SILENT, ; /GALACTIC, TO_B1950, /TO_J2000, COUNT= ] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; RA_CEN - Right ascension of the search center in decimal HOURS, scalar ; DEC_CEN - Declination of the search center in decimal DEGREES, scalar ; RA_CEN and DEC_CEN should be in the same equinox as the ; currently opened catalog. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; RADIUS - Radius of the search field in arc minutes, scalar. ; DBCIRCLE prompts for RADIUS if not supplied. ; SUBLIST - Vector giving entry numbers in currently opened database ; to be searched. Default is to search all entries ; ; OUTPUTS: ; LIST - Vector giving entry numbers in the currently opened catalog ; which have positions within the specified search circle ; LIST is set to -1 if no sources fall within the search circle ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT ; DIS - The distance in arcminutes of each entry specified by LIST ; to the search center (given by RA_CEN and DEC_CEN) ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; /GALACTIC - if set, then the first two parameters are interpreted as ; Galactic coordinates in degrees, and is converted internally ; to J2000 celestial to search the database. ; /SILENT - If this keyword is set, then DBCIRCLE will not print the ; number of entries found at the terminal ; /TO_J2000 - If this keyword is set, then the entered coordinates are ; assumed to be in equinox B1950, and will be converted to ; J2000 before searching the database ; /TO_B1950 - If this keyword is set, then the entered coordinates are ; assumed to be in equinox J2000, and will be converted to ; B1950 before searching the database ; NOTE: The user must determine on his own whether the database ; is in B1950 or J2000 coordinates. ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; COUNT - - Integer scalar giving the number of valid matches ; METHOD: ; A DBFIND search is first performed on a square area of given radius. ; The list is the restricted to a circular area by using GCIRC to ; compute the distance of each object to the field center. ; ; RESTRICTIONS; ; The database must have items 'RA' (in hours) and 'DEC' (in degrees). ; Alternatively, the database could have items RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ ; (both in degrees) ; EXAMPLE: ; Find all Hipparcos stars within 40' of the nucleus of M33 ; (at J2000 1h 33m 50.9s 30d 39' 36.7'') ; ; IDL> dbopen,'hipparcos' ; IDL> list = dbcircle( ten(1,33,50.9), ten(3,39,36.7), 40) ; ; PROCEDURE CALLS: ; BPRECESS, DBFIND(), DBEXT, DB_INFO(), GCIRC, GLACTC, JPRECESS ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman STX January 1990 ; Fixed search when crossing 0h July 1990 ; Spiffed up code a bit October, 1991 ; Leave DIS vector unchanged if no entries found W. Landsman July 1999 ; Use maximum declination, rather than declination at field center to ; correct RA for latitude effect W. Landsman September 1999 ; Added COUNT, GALACTIC keywords W. Landsman December 2008 ; Fix problem when RA range exceeds 24h W. Landsman April 2009 ; Work as advertised for RA_OBJ field W. Landsman June 2010 ; Fix occasional problem when crossing 0h E. Donoso/W.Landsman Jan 2013 ; Check if database has been opened W. Landsman Aug 2013 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 2 then begin print,'Syntax - list = ' + $ 'DBCIRCLE( ra[hours], dec[degrees], radius[arcmin], [ dis, sublist ' print,' Count=, /GALACTIC, /SILENT, /TO_J2000, /TO_B1950 ] )' if N_elements(sublist) GT 0 then return, sublist else return,[-1L] endif if (N_elements(ra_cen) NE 1) || (N_elements(dec_cen) NE 1) then begin print, 'DBCIRCLE: ERROR - Expecting scalar RA and Dec parameters' if N_elements(sublist) GT 0 then return, sublist else return,[-1L] endif if N_params() LT 3 then read,'Enter search radius in arc minutes: ',radius nentries = db_info( 'ENTRIES',0 ) if nentries EQ 0 then begin if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message, $ 'ERROR - No entries in database ' + db_info("NAME",0),/INF if N_elements(sublist) GT 0 then return, sublist else return,[-1] endif if keyword_set(TO_J2000) then begin jprecess,ra_cen*15.,dec_cen,racen,deccen racen = racen[0]/15. & deccen = deccen[0] endif else if keyword_set(TO_B1950) then begin bprecess,ra_cen*15.,dec_cen,racen,deccen racen = racen[0]/15. & deccen = deccen[0] endif else if keyword_set(galactic) then begin glactc,racen,deccen,2000,ra_cen*15,dec_cen,2 ;Convert from Galactic endif else begin racen = ra_cen[0] & deccen = dec_cen[0] endelse size = radius/60. ;Size of search field in degrees decmin = double(deccen-size) > (-90.) decmax = double(deccen+size) < 90. bigdec = max(abs([decmin, decmax])) items = strtrim(db_item_info('name')) g = where(items EQ 'RA', Ncount) if Ncount EQ 0 then begin g = where(items EQ 'RA_OBJ', Ncount) if Ncount EQ 0 then message, $ 'ERROR - Database must have item named RA or RA_OBJ' else begin sra = 'RA_OBJ' & sdec = 'DEC_OBJ' endelse endif else begin sra = 'RA' & sdec = 'DEC' endelse if abs(bigdec) EQ 90 then rasize = 24 else $ ;Updated Sep 1999 rasize = abs(size/(15.*cos(bigdec/!RADEG))) < 24. ;Correct for latitude effect if 2*rasize gt 24. then begin ;Only need search on Dec? st = string(decmin) + '