pro hrotate, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, direction,ERRMSG = errmsg ;+ ; NAME: ; HROTATE ; PURPOSE: ; Apply the IDL ROTATE function and update astrometry in a FITS header ; EXPLANATION: ; Apply the intrinsic IDL ROTATE function to an image and update ; astrometry in the associated FITS header. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HROTATE, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, direction ; or ; HROTATE, oldim, oldhd, direction ; ; INPUTS: ; OLDIM - the original image array ; OLDHD - the original FITS image header, string array ; DIRECTION - Scalar integer (0-7) specifying rotation direction, ; exactly as specified by the IDL ROTATE function. ; ; Direction Transpose? Rot. CCW X1 Y1 ; ---------------------------------------- ; 0 No None X0 Y0 (no change) ; 1 No 90 -Y0 X0 ; 2 No 180 -X0 -Y0 ; 3 No 270 Y0 -X0 ; 4 Yes None Y0 X0 ; 5 Yes 90 -X0 Y0 ; 6 Yes 180 -Y0 -X0 ; 7 Yes 270 X0 -Y0 ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; NEWIM - the rotated image, with the same dimensions as Oldim ; NEWHD - header for newim containing updated astrometry info ; If output parameters are not supplied, the program ; will modify the input parameters OLDIM and OLDHD ; to contain the rotated image and updated header. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; ERRMSG - If this keyword is supplied, then any error mesasges will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on ; on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered ; then a null string is returned. ; EXAMPLE: ; Rotate an image exactly 90 degrees counterclockwise and update the ; FITS image array and header. ; ; IDL> HROT, im, h, im_new, h_new, 1 ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The image array is rotated using the ROTATE function. ; The CD (or CROTA) and CRPIX parameters, if present in the FITS header, ; are updated for the new rotation. ; History records are also added to the header ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Does not work Guide Star Survey (GSS) astrometry. Use GSSS_STDAST to ; first convert ; PROCEDURES USED: ; CHECK_FITS(), SXADDPAR, EXTAST ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, Mar 1997 W. Landsman, Hughes STX ; Work for non-square images W. Landsman June 1998 Raytheon STX ; Fix for different plate scales, and CROTA2 defined, November 1998 ; Added ERRMSG, Use double precision formatting, W. Landsman April 2000 ; Consistent conversion between CROTA and CD matrix W. Landsman Oct 2000 ; Correct update when CROTA keyword present W. Landsman June 2003 ; Update CDELT for AIPS-style astrometry headers M. Perrin/WL Jul 2003 ; Convert GSS astrometry to WCS W. Landsman November 2004 ; Work even if no astrometry present, just update NAXIS* WL June 2011 ;- On_error,2 npar = N_params() if (npar NE 3) and (npar NE 5) then begin ;Check # of parameters print,'Syntax - HROTATE, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, direction' print,' or ' print,' HROTATE, oldim, oldhd, direction, {ERRMSG = ]' return endif if npar EQ 3 then direction = newim if N_elements(direction) NE 1 then message, $ 'ERROR - Direction parameter must be an integer scalar (0-7)' dirpar = direction mod 8 if dirpar LT 0 then dirpar = dirpar + 8 ; Check that input header matches input image save_err = arg_present(errmsg) ;Does user want error msgs returned? ; Check for valid 2-D image & header check_FITS, oldim, oldhd, dimen, /NOTYPE, ERRMSG = errmsg if errmsg NE '' then begin if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif if N_elements(dimen) NE 2 then begin errmsg = 'ERROR - Input image array must be 2-dimensional' if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif if N_elements(dimen) NE 2 then message, $ 'ERROR - Input image array must be 2-dimensional' xsize = dimen[0] & ysize = dimen[1] xc = (xsize-1)/2. yc = (ysize-1)/2. newhd = oldhd if npar EQ 5 then newim = rotate(oldim, direction ) else $ oldim = rotate(oldim, direction ) case dirpar of 0: return 1: rot_mat = [ [0, 1],[-1, 0] ] 2: rot_mat = [ [-1,0],[ 0,-1] ] 3: rot_mat = [ [0,-1], [1, 0] ] 4: rot_mat = [ [0, 1], [-1,0] ] 5: rot_mat = [ [-1,0], [0, -1] ] 6: rot_mat = [ [0,-1], [1, 0] ] 7: rot_mat = [ [1, 0], [0, 1] ] else: message,$ 'ERROR - Illegal value of direction parameter, must be between 0 and 7' endcase if (xsize NE ysize) && (rot_mat[0,0] EQ 0) then begin sxaddpar, newhd, 'NAXIS1', ysize sxaddpar, newhd, 'NAXIS2', xsize endif label = 'HROTATE: ' + strmid(systime(),4,20) sxaddhist, label + ' Image = ROTATE(Image,' + strtrim(direction,2) + ')',newhd ; Update astrometry info if it exists. If GSS astrometry is present, then ; convert it to standard WCS astrometry extast, oldhd, astr, noparams if noparams GE 0 then begin ;Astrometry parameters exist in header? if strmid(astr.ctype[0],5,3) EQ 'GSS' then begin gsss_stdast, newhd extast, newhd, astr, noparams endif ; For non-square images, check if X and Y axes have been flipped crpix = astr.crpix cd = cdelt = astr.cdelt if cdelt[0] NE 1.0 then begin cd[0,0] = cd[0,0]*cdelt[0] & cd[0,1] = cd[0,1]*cdelt[0] cd[1,1] = cd[1,1]*cdelt[1] & cd[1,0] = cd[1,0]*cdelt[1] endif ncrpix = [xc,yc] + rot_mat#(crpix-1 -[xc,yc]) + 1 newcd = cd # transpose(rot_mat) if (dirpar EQ 4) || (dirpar EQ 6) then begin ncrpix[0] = xsize - ( ncrpix[0] - 1) newcd[*,0] = -newcd[*,0] endif if (dirpar EQ 5) || (dirpar EQ 7) then begin ncrpix[1] = ysize - (ncrpix[1] -1 ) newcd[*,1] = -newcd[*,1] endif if (xsize NE ysize) && (rot_mat[0,0] EQ 0) then begin ncrpix[0] = ncrpix[0] - xc + yc ncrpix[1] = ncrpix[1] - yc + xc endif sxaddpar, newhd, 'CRPIX1', ncrpix[0] sxaddpar, newhd, 'CRPIX2', ncrpix[1] if noparams EQ 3 then begin ;Transformation matrix format sxaddpar, newhd, 'PC1_1', newcd[0,0] sxaddpar, newhd, 'PC1_2', newcd[0,1] sxaddpar, newhd, 'PC2_1', newcd[1,0] sxaddpar, newhd, 'PC2_2', newcd[1,1] endif else if noparams EQ 2 then begin sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD1_1', newcd[0,0] sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD1_2', newcd[0,1] sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD2_1', newcd[1,0] sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD2_2', newcd[1,1] endif else begin ; noparams = 1. CROTA+CDELT type crota = atan(-newcd[1,0], newcd[1,1] )*180.0/!DPI if dirpar GE 4 then sxaddpar, newhd, 'CDELT1', -cdelt[0] sxaddpar, newhd,'CROTA1', crota sxaddpar, newhd,'CROTA2', crota endelse endif if npar EQ 3 then oldhd = newhd ;update old image and header return end