pro hreverse, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, subs, SILENT = silent, ERRMSG= errmsg ;+ ; NAME: ; HREVERSE ; PURPOSE: ; Reverse an image about either dimension and update FITS astrometry ; EXPLANATION: ; Reverse an image about either the X or Y axis, and create a new ; header with updated astrometry for the reversed image. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HREVERSE,oldim,oldhd, [ subs, /SILENT ] ;Update input image and header ; or ; HREVERSE, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, [ subs, /SILENT ] ; ; INPUTS: ; OLDIM - the original image array ; OLDHD - the original image header ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; SUBS - Subs equals 1 to reverse the order of the X dimension, ; 2 to reverse Y order. If omitted, then HREVERSE will ; prompt for this scalar parameter. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; NEWIM - the rotated image, with the same dimensions as Oldim ; NEWHD - header for newim containing updated astrometry info ; If output parameters are not supplied, the program ; will modify the input parameters OLDIM and OLDHD ; to contain the rotated image and updated header. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; SILENT - if set and non-zero, then informative messages are suppressed. ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: ; ERRMSG - If this keyword is supplied, then any error mesasges will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on ; on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered ; then a null string is returned. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; A right-handed coordinate system is converted into a left- ; handed one, and vice-versa. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The User's Library procedure REVERSE is used to reverse the image. ; The CD and CRPIX header parameters are updated for the new header. ; For AIPS type astrometry, the CDELT parameters are also updated. ; A history record is also added to the header ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; CHECK_FITS, EXTAST, REVERSE(), STRN(), SXADDPAR ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, Aug. 1986 W. Landsman, STI Corp. ; Error modifying CROTA angles corrected 9-23-88 ; Added format keyword, J. Isensee, July, 1990 ; Work for ST Guide Star images, W. Landsman HSTX, May 1995 ; Compute CRPIX1 correctly for X reversal W. Landsman HSTX August 1995 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Added ERRMSG, Use double precision formatting, W. Landsman April 2000 ; Recognize PC00n00m astrometry matrix W. Landsman December 2001 ; Use V6.0 notation W. Landsman October 2012 ;- On_error, 2 npar = N_params() if npar LE 1 then begin print,'Syntax: HREVERSE, oldim, oldhd, [ subs, /SILENT, ERRMSG = ]' print,' or HREVERSE, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, [ subs, /SILENT]' return endif save_err = arg_present(errmsg) ;Does user want error msgs returned? ; Check for valid 2-D image & header check_FITS, oldim, oldhd, dimen, /NOTYPE, ERRMSG = errmsg if errmsg NE '' then begin if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif if N_elements(dimen) NE 2 then begin errmsg = 'ERROR - Input image array must be 2-dimensional' if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif xsize = dimen[0] & ysize = dimen[1] if npar EQ 3 then subs = newim READSUBS: if (npar NE 3) && (npar NE 5) then $ read,'Enter 1 to reverse X dimension, 2 to reverse Y dimension: ',subs if ( subs NE 2 ) && ( subs NE 1 ) then begin message,'ERROR - Illegal Value of Subs parameter',/CON if npar then npar = npar -1 ;Make npar even goto, READSUBS endif newhd = oldhd axis_name = ['X','Y'] if ~keyword_set(SILENT) then message, /INF, $ 'Now reversing ' + strn(xsize) + ' by ' + strn(ysize) + ' image about ' + $ axis_name[subs-1] + ' dimension' if npar GE 4 then newim = reverse( oldim,subs ) else $ oldim = reverse( oldim,subs ) label = 'HREVERSE: ' + strmid(systime(),4,20) sxaddpar, newhd, 'HISTORY', label+ $ ' Reversed About '+ axis_name[SUBS-1] + ' Dimension' ; Update astrometry info if it exists extast, oldhd, astr, noparams if noparams LT 0 then goto, DONE if subs EQ 1 then begin if strmid( astr.ctype[0],5,3) EQ 'GSS' then begin cnpix = -astr.xll -xsize sxaddpar, newhd, 'CNPIX1', cnpix sxaddpar, newhd, 'XPIXELSZ', -astr.xsz endif else begin crpix1 = xsize - (astr.crpix[0]-1) sxaddpar, newhd, 'CRPIX1', crpix1 if (noparams LT 2) || (noparams EQ 3) then $ sxaddpar, newhd, 'CDELT1', -astr.cdelt[0] $ else begin ;If so, then convert them sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD1_1',[0,0] sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD2_1',[1,0] endelse endelse endif else begin if strmid(astr.ctype[0],5,3) EQ 'GSS' then begin cnpix = -astr.yll -ysize sxaddpar, newhd, 'CNPIX2', cnpix sxaddpar, newhd, 'YPIXELSZ', -astr.ysz endif else begin crpix2 = ysize - (astr.crpix[1]-1) sxaddpar, newhd, 'CRPIX2', crpix2 if (noparams LT 2) or (noparams EQ 3) then $ sxaddpar, newhd, 'CDELT2', -astr.cdelt[1] $ else begin ;If so, then convert them sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD1_2',[0,1] sxaddpar, newhd, 'CD2_2',[1,1] endelse endelse endelse DONE: if npar LE 3 then oldhd = newhd ;update old header return end