pro hastrom,oldim,oldhd,newim,newhd,refhd,MISSING=missing, INTERP = interp, $ ERRMSG = errmsg,CUBIC = cubic, DEGREE = Degree, NGRID = Ngrid, $ SILENT = silent ;+ ; NAME: ; HASTROM ; PURPOSE: ; Transformation of an image to align it with a reference image ; EXPLANATION: ; A transformation is applied (using POLY_2D) to an image so that ; its astrometry is identical with that in a reference header. This ; procedure can be used to align two images. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HASTROM, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, refhd, [MISSING =, INTERP = ] ; or ; HASTROM, oldim, oldhd, refhd, [MISSING =, INTERP ={0,1,2}, NGRID =, ; CUBIC =, DEGREE = ] ; ; INPUTS: ; OLDIM - Image array to be manipulated. If only 3 parameters are ; supplied then OLDIM and OLDHD will be modified to contain ; the output image array and header ; OLDHD - FITS header array for OLDIM, containing astrometry parameters ; REFHD - Reference header, containing astrometry parameters. OLDIM ; will be rotated, shifted, and compressed or expanded until ; its astrometry matches that in REFHD. ; OUTPUTS: ; NEWIM - Image array after transformation has been performed. ; The dimensions of NEWIM will be identical to the NAXIS1 and ; NAXIS2 keywords specified in REFHD. Regions on the reference ; image that do not exist in OLDIM can be assigned a value with ; the MISSING keyword. ; NEWHD - Updated FITS image header associated with NEWIM ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; CUBIC - a scalar value between -1 and 0 specifying cubic interpolation ; with the specified value as the cubic interpolation parameter. ; (see poly_2d for info). Setting CUBIC to a value greater ; than zero is equivalent to setting CUBIC = -1. ; DEGREE - Integer scalar specifying the degree of the transformation. ; See the routine POLYWARP for more info. Default = ; 1 (linear transformation) unless polynomial ('SIP') distortion ; parameters are present in either the input or reference FITS ; header. In that case, the default degree is equal to the ; degree of the distortion polynomial. Currently, HASTROM ; will force a value of degree of less than 4 (see notes) ; INTERP - Scalar, one of 0, 1, or 2 determining type of interpolation ; 0 nearest neighbor, 1 (default) bilinear interpolation, ; 2 cubic interpolation. ; MISSING - Set this keyword to a scalar value which will be assigned ; to pixels in the output image which are out of range of the ; supplied imput image. If not supplied, then linear ; extrapolation is used. See the IDL manual on POLY_2D. ; ***NOTE: A bug was introduced into the POLY_2D function in IDL ; V5.5 (fixed in V6.1) such that the MISSING keyword ; may not work properly with floating point data*** ; NGRID - Integer scalar specifying the number of equally spaced grid ; points on each axis to use to specify the transformation. ; The value of NGRID must always be greater than DEGREE + 1. ; The default is DEGREE + 2 which equals 3 (9 total points) for ; DEGREE=1 (linear warping). ; SILENT - If set, then some informational error messages are suppressed. ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: ; ERRMSG - If this keyword is supplied, then any error messages will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on ; on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered ; then a null string is returned. ; NOTES: ; (1) The 3 parameter calling sequence is less demanding on virtual ; memory. ; (2) The astrometry in OLDHD will be precessed to match the equinox ; given in REFHD. ; (3) If an ST Guidestar image is used for the reference header, then the ; output header will be converted to standard astrometry. ; (4) We found (in May 2016) numerical instability in POLYWARP when ; Degree is set to a value of 5 or larger. Therefore DEGREE will ; be forced to a value of 4 or less (along with a warning). Note ; that in POLYWARP a DEGREE of 5 actually includes 10th order terms ; like x^5*y^5 ; EXAMPLE: ; Suppose one has an image array, IM, and an associated FITS header H. ; One desires to warp the image array so that it is aligned with another ; image with a FITS header, HREF. Both headers contain astrometry info. ; Set pixel values to 0 where there is no overlap between the input and ; reference image, and use linear interpolation (default) ; ; IDL> hastrom, IM, H, HREF, MISSING = 0 ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; ad2xy, check_FITS, extast, get_EQUINOX(), gsssextast, hprecess, ; putast, sxaddpar, sxaddhist, sxpar(), xy2ad, zparcheck ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman, STX Co. Feb, 1989 ; Updated to CHECK_FITS Dec, 1991 ; New astrometry keywords Mar, 1994 ; Recognize GSSS header W. Landsman June, 1994 ; Added CUBIC keyword W. Landsman March, 1997 ; Accept INTERP=0, Convert output GSS header to standard astrometry ; W. Landsman June 1998 ; Remove calls to obsolete !ERR system variable March 2000 ; Added ERRMSG output keyword W. Landsman April 2000 ; Need to re-extract astrometry after precession W. Landsman Nov. 2000 ; Check for distortion parameters in headers, add more FITS HISTORY ; information W. Landsman February 2005 ; Use different coefficient for nearest neighbor to avoid half-pixel ; shift with POLY_2D W. Landsman Aug 2006 ; Return ERRMSG if no overlap between images W. Landsman Nov 2007 ; Use V6.0 notation W. Landsman Jan 2012 ; Test for Degree > 4 usage in Polywarp W. Landsman May 2016 ; Ensure all grid point computations are Double W. Landsman May 2016 ; ;- compile_opt idl2 On_error,2 ;Return to caller npar = N_params() if (npar LT 3) or (npar EQ 4) then begin ;3 parameter calling sequence? print,'Syntax: HASTROM, oldim, oldhd, refhd' print,' or HASTROM, oldim, oldhd, newim, newhd, refhd' print,' [ MISSING=, DEGREE=, INTERP=, NGRID=, CUBIC = ]' return endif if ( npar EQ 3 ) then begin zparcheck, 'HASTROM', newim, 3, 7, 1, 'Reference FITS header' refhd = newim endif else $ zparcheck, 'HASTROM', refhd, 5, 7, 1, 'Reference FITS header' radeg = 180.D/!DPI ;Double precision !RADEG save_err = arg_present(errmsg) ;Does user want error msgs returned? ; Check for valid 2-D image & header check_FITS, oldim, oldhd, dimen, /NOTYPE, ERRMSG = errmsg if errmsg NE '' then begin if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif if N_elements(dimen) NE 2 then begin errmsg = 'ERROR - Input image array must be 2-dimensional' if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif xsize_old = dimen[0] & ysize_old = dimen[1] xsize_ref = sxpar( refhd, 'NAXIS1' ) ;Get output image size ysize_ref = sxpar( refhd, 'NAXIS2' ) if (xsize_ref LT 1) || (ysize_ref LT 1) then begin errmsg = 'ERROR - Reference header must be for a 2-dimensional image' if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif ; Extract CD, CRPIX and CRVAL value from image header and reference header newhd = oldhd extast, newhd, astr_old, par_old if ( par_old LT 0 ) then begin errmsg = 'ERROR - Input FITS Header does not contain astrometry' if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif extast, refhd, astr_ref, par_ref if ( par_old LT 0 ) || ( par_ref LT 0 ) then begin errmsg = 'ERROR -Reference FITS Header does not contain astrometry' if ~save_err then message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON return endif ; Precess the header if necessary refeq = get_equinox( refhd, code) if code EQ -1 then message, NoPrint = Silent, $ 'WARNING - Equinox not specified in reference header',/CON else begin oldeq = get_equinox( oldhd, code) if code EQ -1 then message, NoPrint = Silent, $ 'WARNING - Equinox not specified in original header',/CON else $ if oldeq NE refeq then begin ;Precess header and re-extract structure hprecess, newhd, refeq extast, newhd, astr_old, par_old endif endelse ; Make a grid of points in the reference image to be used for the transformation if ~keyword_set( DEGREE ) then degree = 1 if tag_exist(astr_old,'DISTORT') then begin distort = astr_old.distort if EQ 'SIP' then begin na = ((size(distort.ap,/dimen))[0]) degree = degree > (na -1 ) endif endif if tag_exist(astr_ref,'DISTORT') then begin distort = astr_ref.distort if EQ 'SIP' then begin na = ((size(distort.a,/dimen))[0]) degree = degree > (na -1 ) endif endif if ~keyword_set(NGRID) then ngrid = (degree + 2) if ~keyword_set(CUBIC) then begin cubic = 0 if N_elements(INTERP) EQ 0 then Interp = 1 endif nxdif = round( xsize_ref / (ngrid-1) ) + 1 nydif = round( ysize_ref / (ngrid-1) ) + 1 xref = dblarr(ngrid,ngrid) & yref = xref xrow = [ lindgen(ngrid-1)*nxdif, xsize_ref-1. ] yrow = [ lindgen(ngrid-1)*nydif, ysize_ref-1. ] for i=0,ngrid-1 do xref[0,i] = xrow ;Four corners of image for i=0,ngrid-1 do yref[0,i] = replicate( yrow[i], ngrid) ; Find the position of the reference points in the supplied image case strmid(astr_ref.ctype[0],5,3) of 'GSS': gsssxyad, astr_ref, xref, yref, ra, dec else: xy2ad, xref, yref, astr_ref, ra, dec endcase case strmid(astr_old.ctype[0],5,3) of 'GSS': gsssadxy, astr_old, ra, dec, x, y else: ad2xy, ra, dec, astr_old, x, y endcase if ( max(x) LT 0 ) || ( min(x) GT xsize_old ) || $ ( max(y) LT 0 ) || ( min(y) GT ysize_old ) then begin errmsg = 'No overlap found between original and reference images' if ~save_err then begin message,'ERROR - ' + errmsg,/CON message,'Be sure you have the right headers and the right equinoxes',/CON endif return endif if degree GT 4 then message,/INF, $ 'Warning - POLYWARP Polynomial degree set to 4' if interp EQ 0 $ ;Get coefficients then polywarp, x+.5, y+.5, xref, yref, degree<4, kx, ky, status = status $ else polywarp, x, y, xref, yref, degree<4, kx, ky ,status=status case status of 0: 1: message,NoPrint=Silent,/INF,'Warning: Singular matrix in version in PolyWarp' 2: message,NoPrint=Silent,/INF,'Warning: Small Pivot element in Polywarp' 3: message,'Invalid Status value returned from Polywarp' endcase if N_elements(missing) NE 1 then begin ;Do the warping if npar EQ 3 then $ oldim = poly_2d( temporary(oldim), kx, ky, Interp, xsize_ref, ysize_ref, $ CUBIC = cubic) else $ newim = poly_2d( oldim, kx, ky, Interp, xsize_ref, ysize_ref, CUBIC = cubic) endif else begin if npar EQ 3 then $ oldim = poly_2d( temporary(oldim), kx, ky, Interp, xsize_ref, ysize_ref, $ MISSING=missing, CUBIC = cubic) $ else $ newim = poly_2d( oldim, kx, ky, Interp, xsize_ref, ysize_ref, $ MISSING=missing, CUBIC = cubic) endelse sxaddpar, newhd, 'NAXIS1', xsize_ref sxaddpar, newhd, 'NAXIS2', ysize_ref if strmid(astr_ref.ctype[0],5,3) EQ 'GSS' then begin refhdnew = refhd gsss_stdast,refhdnew extast,refhdnew,astr_ref endif putast, newhd, astr_ref label = 'HASTROM: ' + strmid(systime(),4,20) image = sxpar( refhd, 'IMAGE', Count = N_image) if N_image EQ 1 THEN sxaddhist,label+' Reference Image - ' + image,newhd sxaddhist,label+ ' Original Image Size X: ' + strtrim(xsize_old,2) + $ ' Y: ' + strtrim(ysize_old,2), newhd sxaddhist,'HASTROM: Polynomial Degree used for image warping: ' + $ strtrim(degree<4,2), newhd if cubic NE 0 then sterp = 'CUBIC = ' + strtrim(cubic,2) else $ sterp = (['Nearest Neighbor','Linear','Cubic'])[interp] sxaddhist,'HASTROM: ' + sterp + ' interpolation',newhd sxaddhist,'HASTROM: Number of grid points ' + strtrim(ngrid*ngrid,2), newhd ; Update BSCALE and BZERO factors in header if necessary. This is only an ; approximate correction for nonlinear warping. bscale = sxpar( newhd, 'BSCALE', Count = N_Bscale) if (N_bscale GT 0 ) && ( bscale NE 1. ) then begin getrot, astr_old, rot, cdelt_old, SILENT = silent getrot, astr_ref, rot, cdelt_ref, SILENT = silent pix_ratio = ( cdelt_old[0]*cdelt_old[1]) / (cdelt_ref[0]*cdelt_ref[1] ) sxaddpar, newhd, 'BSCALE', bscale/pix_ratio bzero = sxpar( newhd,'BZERO' ) if bzero NE 0. then sxaddpar, newhd, 'BZERO', bzero/pix_ratio endif if npar LT 4 then oldhd = newhd return end