pro ad2xy, a, d, astr, x, y ;+ ; NAME: ; AD2XY ; PURPOSE: ; Compute X and Y from native coordinates and a FITS astrometry structure ; EXPLANATION: ; If a WCS projection (Calabretta & Greisen 2002, A&A, 395, 1077) is ; present, then the procedure WCSXY2SPH is used to compute native ; coordinates. If distortion is present then this is corrected. ; In all cases, the inverse of the CD matrix is applied and offset ; from the reference pixel to obtain X and Y. ; ; AD2XY is generally meant to be used internal to other procedures. For ; interactive purposes, use ADXY. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; AD2XY, a ,d, astr, x, y ; ; INPUTS: ; A - R.A. or longitude in DEGREES, scalar or vector. ; D - Dec. or longitude in DEGREES, scalar or vector ; If the input A and D are arrays with 2 or more dimensions, ; they will be converted to a 1-D vectors. ; ASTR - astrometry structure, output from EXTAST procedure containing: ; .CD - 2 x 2 array containing the astrometry parameters CD1_1 CD1_2 ; in DEGREES/PIXEL CD2_1 CD2_2 ; .CDELT - 2 element vector giving increment at reference point in ; DEGREES/PIXEL ; .CRPIX - 2 element vector giving X and Y coordinates of reference pixel ; (def = NAXIS/2) in FITS convention (first pixel is 1,1) ; .CRVAL - 2 element vector giving coordinates of the reference pixel ; in DEGREES ; .CTYPE - 2 element vector giving projection types ; .LONGPOLE - scalar longitude of north pole (default = 180) ; .PV2 - Vector of additional parameter (e.g. PV2_1, PV2_2) needed in ; some projections ; ; Fields added for version 2: ; .PV1 - Vector of projection parameters associated with longitude axis ; .AXES - 2 element integer vector giving the FITS-convention axis ; numbers associated with astrometry, in ascending order. ; Default [1,2]. ; .REVERSE - byte, true if first astrometry axis is Dec/latitude ; .COORDSYS - 1 or 2 character code giving coordinate system, including ; 'C' = RA/Dec, 'G' = Galactic, 'E' = Ecliptic, 'X' = unknown. ; .RADECSYS - String giving RA/Dec system e.g. 'FK4', 'ICRS' etc. ; .EQUINOX - Double giving the epoch of the mean equator and equinox ; .DATEOBS - Text string giving (start) date/time of observations ; .MJDOBS - Modified julian date of start of observations. ; .X0Y0 - Implied offset in intermediate world coordinates if user has ; specified a non-standard fiducial point via PV1 and also ; has set PV1_0a =/ 0 to indicate that the offset should be ; applied in order to place CRVAL at the IWC origin. ; Should be *added* to the IWC derived from application of ; CRPIX, CDELT, CD to the pixel coordinates. ; ; .DISTORT - Optional substructure specifying distortion parameters ; ; OUTPUTS: ; X - row position in pixels, scalar or vector ; Y - column position in pixels, scalar or vector ; ; X,Y will be in the standard IDL convention (first pixel is 0), and ; *not* the FITS convention (first pixel is 1) ; NOTES: ; AD2XY tests for presence of WCS coordinates by the presence of a dash ; in the 5th character position in the value of CTYPE (e.g 'DEC--SIN'). ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; BROYDEN_COMMON - Used when solving for a reverse distortion tranformation ; (either SIP or TGV) by iterating on the forward transformation. ; PROCEDURES USED: ; CGErrorMsg (from Coyote Library) ; TAG_EXIST(), WCSSPH2XY ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Converted to IDL by B. Boothman, SASC Tech, 4/21/86 ; Use astrometry structure, W. Landsman Jan. 1994 ; Do computation correctly in degrees W. Landsman Dec. 1994 ; Only pass 2 CRVAL values to WCSSPH2XY W. Landsman June 1995 ; Don't subscript CTYPE W. Landsman August 1995 ; Understand reversed X,Y (X-Dec, Y-RA) axes, W. Landsman October 1998 ; Consistent conversion between CROTA and CD matrix W. Landsman October 2000 ; No special case for tangent projection W. Landsman June 2003 ; Work for non-WCS coordinate transformations W. Landsman Oct 2004 ; Use CRVAL reference point for non-WCS transformation W.L. March 2007 ; Use post V6.0 notation W.L. July 2009 ; Allows use of Version 2 astrometry structure & optimised for ; large input arrays. Wrap test for cylindrical coords. J. P. Leahy July 2013 ; Wrap test failed for 2d input arrays ; T. Ellsworth-Bowers/W.Landsman July 2013 ; Tweaked to restore shape of arrays on exit JPL Aug 2013. ; ..and make them scalars if input is scalar JPL Aug 2013 ; Iterate when forward SIP coefficients are supplied but not the reverse ; coefficients. Don't compute poles if not a cylindrical system ; W. Landsman Dec 2013 ; Evaluate TPV distortion (SCAMP) if present W. Landsman Jan 2014 ; Support IRAF TNX projection M. Sullivan U. of Southhamptom Mar 2014 ; No longer check that CDELT[0] differs from 1 W. Landsman Apr 2015 ; Default projection is PIXEL not Tangent W. Landsman Oct 2017 ; ;- compile_opt idl2 common broyden_coeff, xcoeff, ycoeff if N_params() lT 4 then begin print,'Syntax -- AD2XY, a, d, astr, x, y' return endif Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 then begin Catch,/Cancel void = cgErrorMsg(/quiet) RETURN ENDIF if tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') && (( EQ 'TPV') || ( EQ 'TNX')) then $ ctype = strmid(astr.ctype,0,4) + '-TAN' else ctype = astr.ctype crval = astr.crval testing = 0B size_a = SIZE(a) ndima = size_a[0] astr2 = TAG_EXIST(astr,'AXES') ; version 2 astrometry structure IF astr2 THEN reverse = astr.reverse ELSE BEGIN coord = strmid(ctype,0,4) reverse = ((coord[0] EQ 'DEC-') && (coord[1] EQ 'RA--')) || $ ((coord[0] EQ 'GLAT') && (coord[1] EQ 'GLON')) || $ ((coord[0] EQ 'ELAT') && (coord[1] EQ 'ELON')) ENDELSE if reverse then crval = rotate(crval,2) ;Invert CRVAL? spherical = strmid(astr.ctype[0],4,1) EQ '-' if spherical then begin IF astr2 THEN BEGIN cylin = WHERE(astr.projection EQ ['CYP','CAR','MER','CEA','HPX'],Ncyl) IF Ncyl GT 0 THEN BEGIN testing = 1 size_d = SIZE(d) ndimd = size_d[0] IF ndima GT 1 THEN a = REFORM(a, size_a[ndima+2], /OVERWRITE) IF ndimd GT 1 THEN d = REFORM(d, size_d[ndimd+2], /OVERWRITE) a0 = [a, 0d0,180d0] & d0 = [d, 0d0, 0d0] ; test points wcssph2xy, a0, d0, xsi, eta, CTYPE = ctype, PV1 = astr.pv1, $ PV2 = astr.pv2, CRVAL = crval, CRXY = astr.x0y0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN pv1 = astr.pv1 pv2 = astr.pv2 if tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') then $ if EQ 'TPV' then begin pv1 = [0.0d,0,90.0d,180d,90d] ;Tangent projection pv2 = [0.0,0.0] ENDIF wcssph2xy, a, d, xsi, eta, CTYPE = ctype, PV1 = pv1, $ PV2 = pv2, CRVAL = crval, CRXY = astr.x0y0 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE wcssph2xy, a, d, xsi, eta, CTYPE = ctype, PV2 = astr.pv2, $ LONGPOLE = astr.longpole, CRVAL = crval, LATPOLE = astr.latpole endif else begin xsi = a - crval[0] & eta = d - crval[1] endelse cd = cdelt = astr.cdelt cd[0,0] *= cdelt[0] & cd[0,1] *= cdelt[0] cd[1,1] *= cdelt[1] & cd[1,0] *= cdelt[1] if reverse then begin temp = TEMPORARY(xsi) & xsi = TEMPORARY(eta) & eta = TEMPORARY(temp) endif if tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') && ( EQ 'TPV') then begin ctype = strmid(astr.ctype,0,4) + '-TAN' xcoeff = astr.pv1 ycoeff = astr.pv2 x0 = xcoeff[0] y0 = ycoeff[0] for i=0, N_elements(xsi)-1 do begin xcoeff[0] = x0 - xsi[i] ycoeff[0] = y0 - eta[i] res = broyden([xsi[i],eta[i]], 'TPV_EVAL' ) xsi[i] = res[0] eta[i] = res[1] endfor ENDIF if tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') && ( EQ 'TNX') then begin ctype = strmid(astr.ctype,0,4) + '-TAN' xcoeff = astr.distort.lngcor ycoeff = astr.distort.latcor x0 = xcoeff.coeff[0] y0 = ycoeff.coeff[0] for i=0, N_elements(xsi)-1 do begin xcoeff.coeff[0] = x0 - xsi[i] ycoeff.coeff[0] = y0 - eta[i] res = broyden([xsi[i],eta[i]], 'TNX_EVAL' ) xsi[i] = res[0] eta[i] = res[1] endfor ENDIF crpix = astr.crpix - 1 cdinv = invert(cd) x = ( cdinv[0,0]*xsi + cdinv[0,1]*eta ) y = ( cdinv[1,0]*TEMPORARY(xsi) + cdinv[1,1]*TEMPORARY(eta) ) if tag_exist(astr,'DISTORT') && ( EQ 'SIP') then begin distort = astr.distort ap = distort.ap bp = distort.bp na = ((size(ap,/dimen))[0]) ; If reverse SIP coefficients are not supplied we iterate on the forward ; coefficients (using BROYDEN). if na LE 1 then begin xcoeff = distort.a ycoeff = distort.b x0 = xcoeff[0] y0 = ycoeff[0] for i=0, N_elements(x)-1 do begin xcoeff[0] = x0 - x[i] ycoeff[0] = y0 - y[i] res = broyden([x[i],y[i]], 'SIP_EVAL' ) x[i] = res[0] y[i] = res[1] endfor endif else begin xdif1 = x ydif1 = y for i=0,na-1 do begin for j=0,na-1 do begin if ap[i,j] NE 0.0 then xdif1 += x^i*y^j*ap[i,j] if bp[i,j] NE 0.0 then ydif1 += x^i*y^j*bp[i,j] endfor endfor x = xdif1 y = ydif1 ENDELSE ENDIF x += crpix[0] y += crpix[1] ; Check for wrapping in cylindrical projections: since the same phi ; appears at regular intervals in (x,y), depending on the location of ; the reference point on the pixel grid, some of the returned pixel ; values may be offset by 360 degrees from the ones we want. ; ; The pixel grid may be rotated relative to intermediate world coords, ; so the offset may have both x and y components in pixel space. ; ; Doesn't try if native and astronomical poles are misaligned ; as this fix doesn't work in that case. IF testing THEN BEGIN npt = N_ELEMENTS(a) x0 = x[npt:npt+1] & y0 = y[npt:npt+1] x = x[0:npt-1] & y = y[0:npt-1] crval = astr.crval IF astr.reverse THEN crval = REVERSE(crval) WCS_GETPOLE, crval, astr.pv1[3]-astr.pv1[1], astr.pv1[2], $ alpha_p, delta_p, $ LATPOLE = astr.pv1[4], AT_POLE = at_pole IF at_pole THEN BEGIN naxis = astr.naxis offmap = WHERE(x LT 0 OR y LT 0 OR $ x GT naxis[0] OR y GT naxis[1], noff) IF offmap[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN ; 360 degree shift x360 = 2d0*(x0[1] - x0[0]) y360 = 2d0*(y0[1] - y0[0]) IF x360 LT 0 THEN BEGIN x360 *= -1d0 y360 *= -1d0 ENDIF xshift = x360 NE 0d0 yshift = y360 NE 0d0 ; Figure out which direction shift is IF xshift THEN BEGIN IF (MIN(x[offmap],/NAN) LT 0) THEN BEGIN x[offmap] += x360 IF yshift THEN y[offmap] += y360 ENDIF ELSE IF MAX(x[offmap],/NAN) GT naxis[0] THEN BEGIN x[offmap] -= x360 IF yshift THEN y[offmap] -= y360 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF y360 LT 0 THEN BEGIN x360 *= -1d0 y360 *= -1d0 ENDIF IF (MIN(y[offmap],/NAN) LT 0) THEN BEGIN IF xshift THEN x[offmap] += x360 y[offmap] += y360 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF xshift THEN x[offmap] -= x360 y[offmap] -= y360 ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF ndima GT 1 THEN BEGIN a = REFORM(a, size_a[1:ndima], /OVERWRITE) d = REFORM(d, size_a[1:ndima], /OVERWRITE) x = REFORM(x, size_a[1:ndima], /OVERWRITE) y = REFORM(y, size_a[1:ndima], /OVERWRITE) ENDIF ELSE if ndima EQ 0 THEN BEGIN a = a[0] d = d[0] x = x[0] y = y[0] ENDIF return end