pro ticlabels, minval, numtics, incr, ticlabs, RA=ra, DELTA=delta, FONT=font ;+ ; NAME: ; TICLABELS ; PURPOSE: ; Create tic labels for labeling astronomical images. ; EXPLANATION: ; Used to display images with right ascension or declination ; axes. This routine creates labels for already determined tic ; marks (every other tic mark by default) ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; TICLABELS, minval, numtics, incr, ticlabs, [ RA = ,DELTA = ] ; ; INPUTS: ; minval - minimum value for labels (degrees) ; numtics - number of tic marks ; incr - increment in minutes for labels ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ticlabs - array of charater string labels ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; /RA - if this keyword is set then the grid axis is assumed to be ; a Right Ascension. Otherwise a declination axis is assumed ; DELTA - Scalar specifying spacing of labels. The default is ; DELTA = 2 which means that a label is made for every other tic ; mark. Set DELTA=1 to create a label for every tic mark. ; FONT - scalar font graphics keyword (-1,0 or 1) for text ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; RADEC ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Invalid for wide field (> 2 degree) images since it assumes that a ; fixed interval in Y (or X) corresponds to a fixed interval in Dec ; (or RA) ; ; REVISON HISTORY: ; written by B. Pfarr, 4/15/87 ; Added DELTA keywrd for compatibility with IMCONTOUR W. Landsman Nov 1991 ; Added nicer hms and dms symbols when using native PS fonts Deutsch 11/92 ; Added Patch for bug in IDL <2.4.0 as explained in NOTES E. Deutsch 11/92 ; Fix when crossing 0 dec or 24h RA ; Fix DELTA keyword so that it behaves according to the documentation ; W. Landsman Hughes STX, Nov 95 ; Allow sub arcsecond formatting W. Landsman May 2000 ; Better formatting for non-unity DELTA values W. Landsman July 2004 ; Allow FONT keyword to be passed. T. Robishaw Apr. 2006 ; Write 0h rather than 24h W. L. August 2008 ; Fix problem when tic values is exactly 0 degrees Mar 2012 ; Only modulo 24 when /RA is set WL. October 2012 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 ; convert min to hours, minutes, secs if N_params() LT 4 then begin print,'Syntax - ticlabels, minval, numtics, incr, ticlabs, ' + $ '[ /RA ,DELTA = ]' return endif if N_elements(FONT) eq 0 then font = !p.font ticlabs = replicate(' ',numtics ) if minval LT 0 then begin neg = -1 & sgn = '-' endif else begin neg = 1 & sgn = '' endelse firstval = minval if ~keyword_set( DELTA ) then delta = 2 if keyword_set( RA ) then begin ;Define RA tic symbols radec, firstval, 0, minh, minm, mins, dum1, dum2, dum3 sd = '!Ah!N' & sm = '!Am!N' & ss = '!As!N' if (! eq 'PS') and (font eq 0) then begin ;Postscript fonts? sd ='!Uh!N' & sm='!Um!N' & ss='!Us!N' endif endif else begin radec, 0, firstval, dum1, dum2, dum3, minh, minm, mins minm = abs(minm) mins = abs(mins) sd = "!Ao!N" & sm = "'" & ss = "''" if (! eq 'PS') and (font eq 0) then begin RtEF = '!X' sd = '!9' + string(176b) + RtEF sm = '!9' + string(162b) + RtEF ss = '!9' + string(178b) + RtEF endif endelse inc1 = incr*60.0d inc = incr*60.0d*delta ;increment in arc seconds if abs(inc1) GE 1.0 then begin mins = round(mins) sfmt = '(i2.2)' endif else $ if abs(inc1) GT 0.1 then sfmt = '(f4.1)' else sfmt = '(f5.2)' if abs(inc) GE 1.0 then inc = round(inc) while (mins GE 60) do begin mins = mins - 60 minm++ endwhile if (minm ge 60) then begin minm = minm - 60 minh = minh + neg endif if (abs(mins) GT 1) || (abs(incr) LT 1.0/DELTA) then begin ;Seconds ticlabs[0] = sgn + string( abs(minh), '(i2.2)') + sd + ' ' + $ string(minm,'(i2.2)') + sm + ' ' + string( mins, sfmt) + ss for i = delta,numtics-1, delta do begin mins = mins + neg*inc if ( ( mins GE 60) || (mins LE 0) ) then begin while ( mins GE 60 ) do begin mins = mins - 60 minm++ endwhile while ( mins LT 0 ) do begin mins = mins + 60 minm-- endwhile if (minm ge 60) then begin minm = minm - 60 minh = minh + neg ticlabs[i]= sgn + string(abs(minh),'(i2.2)') + sd + ' ' + $ string(minm,'(i2.2)') + sm endif else if (minm LE 0) then begin if minh EQ 0 then begin ;Cross zero Dec or RA? if keyword_set(RA) then begin minh = 23 minm = minm + 60 endif else begin minm = -minm neg = -neg if neg EQ 1 then sgn = '' else sgn = '-' endelse endif else begin minm = minm + 60 minh = minh - neg endelse ticlabs[i]= sgn + string(abs(minh),'(i2.2)') + sd + ' ' + $ string((minm),'(i2)') + sm + ' ' +string(mins,sfmt) + ss endif else ticlabs[i] = string( minm, '(i2.2)' ) + sm + ' '+ $ string( mins, sfmt) + ss endif else ticlabs[i] = string( mins, sfmt ) + ss endfor endif else $ if (abs(minm) gt 1) || (abs(incr) LT 60.0/DELTA) then begin ;MINUTES inc = fix(incr*DELTA) ticlabs[0] = sgn + string(abs(minh),'(i2.2)')+ sd+ ' ' + $ string(minm,'(i2.2)') + sm for i = delta,numtics-1, delta do begin minm = minm + neg*inc if (minm ge 60) then begin minm = minm - 60 minh = minh + neg if keyword_set(RA) then begin while minh LT 0 do minh = minh + 24 while minh GE 24 do minh = minh - 24 endif ticlabs[i]= sgn + string(abs(minh),'(i2.2)') + sd + ' ' + $ string(minm,'(i2.2)') +sm endif else if (minm LT 0) then begin if minh EQ 0 then begin ;Cross zero Dec or RA? if keyword_set(RA) then begin minh = 23 minm = minm + 60 endif else begin minm = -minm neg = -neg if neg EQ 1 then sgn = '' else sgn = '-' endelse endif else begin minm = minm + 60 minh = minh - neg endelse ticlabs[i]= sgn + string(abs(minh),'(i2.2)') + sd + ' ' + $ string((minm),'(i2.2)') + sm endif else ticlabs[i] = string(minm,'(i2.2)') endfor endif else begin ;Hours/Degrees inc = fix(DELTA*incr/60.0) ticlabs[0] = strtrim(minh,2) + sd for i = delta,numtics-1, delta do begin minh = minh + inc if keyword_set(RA) then begin while minh LT 0 do minh = minh + 24 while minh GE 24 do minh = minh - 24 endif ticlabs[i] = strtrim( minh,2) + sd endfor endelse return end