pro precess, ra, dec, equinox1, equinox2, PRINT = print, FK4 = FK4, $ RADIAN=radian ;+ ; NAME: ; PRECESS ; PURPOSE: ; Precess coordinates from EQUINOX1 to EQUINOX2. ; EXPLANATION: ; For interactive display, one can use the procedure ASTRO which calls ; PRECESS or use the /PRINT keyword. The default (RA,DEC) system is ; FK5 based on epoch J2000.0 but FK4 based on B1950.0 is available via ; the /FK4 keyword. ; ; Use BPRECESS and JPRECESS to convert between FK4 and FK5 systems ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; PRECESS, ra, dec, [ equinox1, equinox2, /PRINT, /FK4, /RADIAN ] ; ; INPUT - OUTPUT: ; RA - Input right ascension (scalar or vector) in DEGREES, unless the ; /RADIAN keyword is set ; DEC - Input declination in DEGREES (scalar or vector), unless the ; /RADIAN keyword is set ; ; The input RA and DEC are modified by PRECESS to give the ; values after precession. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; EQUINOX1 - Original equinox of coordinates, numeric scalar. If ; omitted, then PRECESS will query for EQUINOX1 and EQUINOX2. ; EQUINOX2 - Equinox of precessed coordinates. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; /PRINT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the precessed ; coordinates are displayed at the terminal. Cannot be used ; with the /RADIAN keyword ; /FK4 - If this keyword is set and non-zero, the FK4 (B1950.0) system ; will be used otherwise FK5 (J2000.0) will be used instead. ; /RADIAN - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the input and ; output RA and DEC vectors are in radians rather than degrees ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Accuracy of precession decreases for declination values near 90 ; degrees. PRECESS should not be used more than 2.5 centuries from ; 2000 on the FK5 system (1950.0 on the FK4 system). ; ; EXAMPLES: ; (1) The Pole Star has J2000.0 coordinates (2h, 31m, 46.3s, ; 89d 15' 50.6"); compute its coordinates at J1985.0 ; ; IDL> precess, ten(2,31,46.3)*15, ten(89,15,50.6), 2000, 1985, /PRINT ; ; ====> 2h 16m 22.73s, 89d 11' 47.3" ; ; (2) Precess the B1950 coordinates of Eps Ind (RA = 21h 59m,33.053s, ; DEC = (-56d, 59', 33.053") to equinox B1975. ; ; IDL> ra = ten(21, 59, 33.053)*15 ; IDL> dec = ten(-56, 59, 33.053) ; IDL> precess, ra, dec ,1950, 1975, /fk4 ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Algorithm from Computational Spherical Astronomy by Taff (1983), ; p. 24. (FK4). FK5 constants from "Astronomical Almanac Explanatory ; Supplement 1992, page 104 Table 3.211.1. ; ; PROCEDURE CALLED: ; Function PREMAT - computes precession matrix ; ; REVISION HISTORY ; Written, Wayne Landsman, STI Corporation August 1986 ; Correct negative output RA values February 1989 ; Added /PRINT keyword W. Landsman November, 1991 ; Provided FK5 (J2000.0) I. Freedman January 1994 ; Precession Matrix computation now in PREMAT W. Landsman June 1994 ; Added /RADIAN keyword W. Landsman June 1997 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Correct negative output RA values when /RADIAN used March 1999 ; Work for arrays, not just vectors W. Landsman September 2003 ;- On_error,2 ;Return to caller npar = N_params() deg_to_rad = !DPI/180.0D0 if ( npar LT 2 ) then begin print,'Syntax - PRECESS, ra, dec, [ equinox1, equinox2,' + $ ' /PRINT, /FK4, /RADIAN ]' print,' NOTE: RA and DEC must be in DEGREES unless /RADIAN is set' return endif else if (npar LT 4) then $ read,'Enter original and new equinox of coordinates: ',equinox1,equinox2 npts = min( [N_elements(ra), N_elements(dec)] ) if npts EQ 0 then $ message,'ERROR - Input RA and DEC must be vectors or scalars' array = size(ra,/N_dimen) GE 2 if array then dimen = size(ra,/dimen) if ~keyword_set( RADIAN) then begin ra_rad = ra*deg_to_rad ;Convert to double precision if not already dec_rad = dec*deg_to_rad endif else begin ra_rad= double(ra) & dec_rad = double(dec) endelse a = cos( dec_rad ) CASE npts of ;Is RA a vector or scalar? 1: x = [a*cos(ra_rad), a*sin(ra_rad), sin(dec_rad)] ;input direction else: begin x = dblarr(npts,3) x[0,0] = reform(a*cos(ra_rad),npts,/over) x[0,1] = reform(a*sin(ra_rad),npts,/over) x[0,2] = reform(sin(dec_rad),npts,/over) x = transpose(x) end ENDCASE sec_to_rad = deg_to_rad/3600.d0 ; Use PREMAT function to get precession matrix from Equinox1 to Equinox2 r = premat(equinox1, equinox2, FK4 = fk4) x2 = r#x ;rotate to get output direction cosines if npts EQ 1 then begin ;Scalar ra_rad = atan(x2[1],x2[0]) dec_rad = asin(x2[2]) endif else begin ;Vector ra_rad = dblarr(npts) + atan(x2[1,*],x2[0,*]) dec_rad = dblarr(npts) + asin(x2[2,*]) endelse if ~keyword_set(RADIAN) then begin ra = ra_rad/deg_to_rad ra = ra + (ra LT 0.)*360.D ;RA between 0 and 360 degrees dec = dec_rad/deg_to_rad endif else begin ra = ra_rad & dec = dec_rad ra = ra + (ra LT 0.)*2.0d*!DPI endelse if array then begin ra = reform(ra, dimen , /over) dec = reform(dec, dimen, /over) endif if keyword_set( PRINT ) then $ print, 'Equinox (' + strtrim(equinox2,2) + '): ',adstring(ra,dec,1) return end