PRO HELIO, JD, LIST, HRAD, HLONG, HLAT, RADIAN = radian ;+ ; NAME: ; HELIO ; PURPOSE: ; Compute (low-precision) heliocentric coordinates for the planets. ; EXPLANATION: ; The mean orbital elements for epoch J2000 are used. These are derived ; from a 250 yr least squares fit of the DE 200 planetary ephemeris to a ; Keplerian orbit where each element is allowed to vary linearly with ; time. For dates between 1800 and 2050, this solution fits the ; terrestrial planet orbits to ~25" or better, but achieves only ~600" ; for Saturn. ; ; Use PLANET_COORDS (which calls HELIO) to get celestial (RA, Dec) ; coordinates of the planets ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; HELIO, JD, LIST, HRAD, HLONG, HLAT, [/RADIAN] ; INPUTS: ; JD = Julian date, double precision scalar or vector ; LIST = List of planets array. May be a single number. ; 1 = merc, 2 = venus, ... 9 = pluto. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; HRAD = array of Heliocentric radii (A.U). ; HLONG = array of Heliocentric (ecliptic) longitudes (degrees). ; HLAT = array of Heliocentric latitudes (degrees). ; These output parameters will be dimensioned Nplanet by Ndate, ; where Nplanet is the number of elements of list, and Ndate is ; the number of elements of JD. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; /RADIAN - If set, then the output longitude and latitude are given in ; radians. ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Find the current heliocentric positions of all the planets ; ; IDL> GET_JULDATE, jd ;Get current Julian date ; IDL> HELIO,jd,indgen(9)+1,hrad,hlong,hlat ;Get radius, long, and lat ; ; (2) Find heliocentric position of Mars on August 23, 2018 ; IDL> JDCNV, 2018,08,23,0,jd ; IDL> HELIO,JD,4,HRAD,HLONG,HLAT ; ===> hrad = 1.6407 AU hlong = 124.3197 hlat = 1.7853 ; For comparison, the JPL ephemeris gives ; hrad = 1.6407 AU hlong = 124.2985 hlat = 1.7845 ; (3) Find the heliocentric positions of Mars and Venus for every day in ; November 2018 ; IDL> JDCNV, 2018, 11, 1, 0, jd ;Julian date of November 1, 2000 ; IDL> helio, jd+indgen(30), [4,2], hrad,hlong,hlat ;Mars=4, Venus=2 ; hrad, hlong, and hlat will be dimensioned [2,30] ; first column contains Mars data, second column Venus ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ROUTINES USED: ; CIRRANGE - force angle between 0 and 2*!PI ; NOTES: ; (1) The calling sequence for this procedure was changed in August 2000 ; (2) This program is based on the two-body model and thus neglects ; interactions between the planets. This is why the worst results ; are for Saturn. Use the procedure JPLEPHINTERP for more accurate ; positions using the JPL ephemeris. Also see JPL Horizons ; ( ) for a more accurate ephemeris ; generator online. ; (3) The coordinates are given for equinox 2000 and *not* the equinox ; of the supplied date(s) ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; R. Sterner. 20 Aug, 1986. ; Code cleaned up a bit W. Landsman December 1992 ; Major rewrite, use modern orbital elements, vectorize, more accurate ; solution to Kepler's equation W. Landsman August 2000 ; Wasn't working for planet vectors W. Landsman August 2000 ; Work for more than 32767 positions S. Leach Jan 2009 ; Use data from W. Landsman Jun 2017 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_params() LT 3 then begin print,'Syntax - Helio, jd, list, hrad, hlong, hlat, [/RADIAN]' print,' jd - Scalar or vector Julian date' print,' list - scalar or vector of planet numbers [1-9]' print, $ ' hrad, hlong, hlat - output heliocentric distance, longitude latitude' return endif ; Mean orbital elements taken from ; (1) semi-major axis in AU, (2) eccentricity, (3) inclination (degrees), ; (4) mean longitude (degrees), (5) longitude of perihelion (degrees) ; and (6) longitude of the ascending node (degrees) ;Mercury PD = [ [0.38709927d, 0.20563593d, 7.00497902d, 252.25032350d, 77.45779628d , 48.33076593d], $ ;Venus [ 0.72333566d, 0.00677672d, 3.39467605d, 181.97909950d, 131.60246718d, 76.67984255d], $ ;EMBary [ 1.00000261d, 0.01671123d, -0.00001531d, 100.46457166d, 102.93768193d, 0.0], $ ;Mars [ 1.52371034d, 0.09339410d, 1.84969142d, -4.55343205d, -23.94362959d, 49.55953891d], $ ;Jupiter [ 5.20288700d, 0.04838624d, 1.30439695d, 34.39644051d, 14.72847983d, 100.47390909d], $ ;Saturn [ 9.53667594d, 0.05386179d, 2.48599187d, 49.95424423d, 92.59887831d, 113.66242448d], $ ;Uranus [ 19.18916464d, 0.04725744d, 0.77263783d, 313.23810451d, 170.95427630d, 74.01692503d], $ ;Neptune [ 30.06992276d, 0.00859048d, 1.77004347d, -55.12002969d, 44.96476227d, 131.78422574d], $ ;Pluto [ 39.48211675d, 0.24882730d, 17.14001206d, 238.92903833d, 224.06891629d, 110.30393684d]] DPD = [[ 0.00000037d, 0.00001906d, -0.00594749d, 149472.67411175d, 0.16047689d, -0.12534081 ], $ [0.00000390d, -0.00004107d, -0.00078890d, 58517.81538729d, 0.00268329d, -0.27769418 ], $ [0.00000562d, -0.00004392d, -0.01294668d, 35999.37244981d, 0.32327364d, 0.0d], $ [ 0.00001847d, 0.00007882d, -0.00813131d, 19140.30268499d, 0.44441088d, -0.29257343d], $ [ -0.00011607d, -0.00013253d, -0.00183714d, 3034.74612775d, 0.21252668d, 0.20469106d],$ [ -0.00125060d, -0.00050991d, 0.00193609d, 1222.49362201d, -0.41897216d, -0.28867794d], $ [ -0.00196176d, -0.00004397d, -0.00242939d, 428.48202785d, 0.40805281d, 0.04240589d], $ [ 0.00026291d, 0.00005105d, 0.00035372d, 218.45945325d, -0.32241464d, -0.00508664d], $ [ -0.00031596d, 0.00005170d, 0.00004818d, 145.20780515d, -0.04062942d, -0.01183482d]] JD0 = 2451545.0d ;Julian Date for Epoch 2000.0 radeg = 180/!DPI ;----------------- Days since Epoch --------------- T = (JD - JD0)/36525.0d ;Time in centuries since 2000.0 ip = list-1 ntime = N_elements(t) nplanet = N_elements(list) hrad = fltarr(nplanet,ntime) & hlong = hrad & hlat = hrad ;----------------- Loop over dates -------------- for i =0L,ntime-1L do begin ;SML made longword pd1 = pd[*,ip] + dpd[*,ip]*T[i] a = pd1[0,*] ;semi-major axis eccen = pd1[1,*] ;eccentricity inc = pd1[2,*]/RADEG ;inclination in radians L = pd1[3,*]/RADEG ;mean longitude pi = pd1[4,*]/RADEG ;longitude of the perihelion omega = pd1[5,*]/RADEG ;longitude of the ascending node m = L - pi cirrange,m,/RADIAN e1 = m + (m + eccen*sin(m) - m)/(1 - eccen*cos(m) ) e = e1 + (m + eccen*sin(e1) - e1)/(1 - eccen*cos(e1) ) maxdif = max(abs(e-e1)) niter = 0 while (maxdif GT 1e-7) && (niter lt 10) do begin e1 = e e = e1 + (m + eccen*sin(e1) - e1)/(1 - eccen*cos(e1) ) maxdif = max(abs(e-e1)) niter++ endwhile nu = 2*atan( sqrt( (1+eccen)/(1-eccen) )* tan(E/2)) ;true anomaly hrad[0,i] = reform( a*(1 - eccen*cos(e) ) ) hlong[0,i] = reform (nu + pi) hlat[0,i] = reform( asin(sin(hlong[*,i] - omega)*sin(inc) ) ) endfor cirrange,hlong,/RADIAN if ~keyword_set(RADIAN) then begin hlong = hlong*RADEG hlat = hlat*RADEG endif if N_elements(hrad) GT 1 then begin hrad = reform(hrad,/over) hlong = reform(hlong,/over) hlat = reform(hlat,/over) endif else begin if N_elements(size(jd)) EQ 3 then begin ;scalar? hrad = hrad[0] hlong = hlong[0] hlat = hlat[0] endif endelse return end