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Cycle 6 Information

GALEX Project at Caltech


GALEX Guest Investigator Proposer's Checklist
(Updated 3 June 2009)
Cycle 6, Phase 1


Details and Hints

1. Verify that your science investigation does not duplicate GALEX PI team programs or accepted previous Cycle GI programs


2. Have any of your potential targets already been observed by GALEX? Are any of your desired targets already in the observing plan? Are the (planned) data suitable for your investigation (e.g. deep enough exposure etc.)?

Target Observation and Search Tool (TOAST) at http://sherpa.caltech.edu/gips/tools/index.html

Data available from MAST at http://galexgi.gsfc.nasa.gov/archive/galex/data.html

GALEX is a survey mission. Although we intend to observe all fields listed in TOAST, we do not reserve or guarantee to observe them all. Only targets accepted as part of the GI program ('Observation Name' beginning 'GI') are guaranteed to be observed with at least the listed 'Planned Exposure Time'. New observations may be requested that overlap or duplicate any non-GI incomplete targets in the observing plan.

3a. Check potential target(s)
3b. Start your proposal in ARK/RPS

Steps 9 - 12
Step 4 and following

4. Obtain an ARK/RPS account, and register to submit GALEX proposals (if you don't already have an account)

If needed, request an ARK/RPS account at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ark/join/ . This is the system you will use to enter and submit your proposal. The process should take a couple of minutes, depending (mostly) on email delays.
ARK/RPS quick help at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ark/rps/help/quick/

5a. Fill in cover sheet information.
5b. Upload ARK/RPS save file.

At http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ark/galex/
Save file can be from Cycle 5 or GALEX planning wizard (Step 12)

6. Fill in at least one observation form (if not uploading save file).

In most cases this is a standard GALEX observation. In the case of a ToO or moving target, use a coordinate of 0:0:0.0, 0:0:0.0. If you are submitting an archival proposal to use many archival fields, or archival catalogues, fill in a "typical" observation and label it as such: e.g., "typical AIS field" or "HDFS catalogue sources" with a non-zero coordinate. (Please do not enter the total exposure time of e.g., the AIS.)

7. Verify and save your proposal.

Click the "verify" button to verify your proposal. Error messages at the top of the form will appear if there any problems. If you will be modifying the proposal, adding more observations , etc. 
you can "Save" your proposal form to your local disk, and can "Reload" it into ARK/RPS at a future time. We recommend "saving" frequently, to protect from browser crashes.
Once the proposal has been verified, a button marked "Submit" will appear at the top and bottom of the ARK/RPS screen;  clicking the "Submit" will enter your proposal into the ARK/RPS database.   You can view, modify, or upload files until the proposal deadline from 

8. Check your proposed observations.

Upload your "Saved" ARK/RPS proposal into the GALEX planning wizard at http://sherpa.caltech.edu/gips/tools/index.html

9. Is it possible to observe your targets in the manner desired?

Use the "Planning wizard" and/or other tools at http://sherpa.caltech.edu/gips/tools/index.html
Is it safe for GALEX to observe your targets (brightness checker)? Important constraints include: point source brightness, total field brightnes, and avoiding Sun/Moon/Earth/other bright objects.
Do your targets have sufficient visibility to carry out your science investigation? Are your targets visible at the desired times (Visibility checker)?

10. What exposure times do you require?

Exposure time calculator at http://sherpa.caltech.edu/gips/tools/index.html

11. What GALEX observing mode(s) will you use?

Do you have special requirements? Specific epochs? Low-zodi requirements? Do you want time-resolved data?
If you are doing spectroscopy, do the required pre-images already exist? Do you require a particular grism orientation?

12. Save your target checking information

Use SAVE function in GALEX Planning Wizard. Be sure to "SAVE AS" text. (In most browsers, the default SAVE will result in an HTML file, which cannot be read by ARK/RPS.)

13. Iterate steps as 5b - 12 as needed


14. Write your science proposal (and save it as a PDF file.)


Proposals may be B/W or color (reviewers will receive .pdf files). Required content, page limits, Latex/Word templates and other information are at

15. Upload your scientific justification into ARK/RPS by 4:30 EDT, 19 June 2009

We recommend that the Scientific Justification be uploaded immediately after submission of the cover page / observation forms. 
However, the SJ can be uploaded anytime after the initial submission of the AKBAR forms, up to the proposal deadline.  To upload the SJ, go to http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ark/galex/,  click "files",  then click "upload PDF Scientific Justification",  select your SJ file on  your computer,  and click   "upload."  ("Files" button will not appear until you have "submitted" the proposal forms in Step 9.) You will get a note on the screen verifying your successful upload.    If you have set up your AKBAR account to notify you, you should also receive an email verifying your upload.

Your proposal is not complete until you have "Submitted" the ARK/RPS form AND uploaded the .pdf of your Science Justification.


Responsible NASA Official: Susan G. Neff
J.D. Myers

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