Dear Potential ULDB (Ultra-Long Duration Balloon ) PI,
We, the ULDB study team, are in the process of identifying technologies which will enhance the scientific payoff of the ULDB program. A goal of this study is to determine a technology implementation plan, or road-map, which defines the schedule of technology infusion into the program for the next 5 to 15 years. The guiding principle of this study is to enable more ambitious scientific missions and to broaden the scientific constituency utilizing the ULDB program. In short, our purpose is to provide more and better opportunities for scientific inquiry.
Our study team has put together a short list of technology topics related to various science missions. The list of potential missions are in tabular form as an attachment to this e-mail. (If you can not read it I will try to resend it in a form you can or FAX it to you. My phone number is 301-286-5841) Since we would like to make this list as inclusive as possible, we would like you to give us your input. Could you take the time to answer the following questions.
1. Which of the concept missions in your disciplines would be enabled by the Ultra-Long Duration Balloon Program? What technological enhancements (either those we've identified or ones you suggest) would make this possible?
2. Would technological enhancements to the ULDB program enable you to propose a UNEX mission? What are these enhancements?
If you think any of your colleagues would provide us with valuable inputs, please encourage her/him to send me a reply.
Please send your responses via e-mail to me at: .
Robin Mauk
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