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Second Announcement

New: abstract and poster deadlines, some financial support available

The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources Workshop
will be held at the Inn and Conference Center of the University of Maryland University College on April 24-26, 2003.

Meeting Location:

As the 21st century begins, gravitational wave astronomy is poised to open a new observational window on the universe. Ground-based kilometer-scale interferometers, such as LIGO, VIRGO, and GEO600, will observe high frequency gravitational radiation, while the space-based LISA detector will probe the low frequency regime. Taken together, these gravitational wave detectors will provide an unprecedented look at astrophysical systems that have previously been viewed almost exclusively through electromagnetic "eyes."

A workshop on The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources will be held April 24 - 26, 2003 at the University of Maryland Conference Center. This meeting will focus on the astrophysics of anticipated gravitational wave sources and the scenarios that surround them. Invited papers and poster presentations will encompass theoretical studies as well as observations of associated electromagnetic or particle signatures. Issues that need to be clarified for a better astrophysical understanding of these sources will be emphasized.

Please check the web site for the workshop program, registration form, abstract submission, and other details:

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):

Barry Barish, Caltech/LIGO
Peter Bender, JILA
Joan Centrella, NASA/GSFC  (Chair)
Dae-Il Choi, USRA
Neil Cornish, Montana
L. Sam Finn, Penn State
Gunther Hasinger, MPE Garching
Vicky Kalogera, Northwestern Univ.
Pablo Laguna, Penn State
Piero Madau, UCSC
Cole Miller, UMD
Richard Mushotzsky, NASA/GSFC
Thomas Prince, Caltech/JPL
Martin Rees, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
Douglas Richstone, Univ. Michigan
B.S. Sathyaprakash, Cardiff
Robin Stebbins, NASA/GSFC
Bonnard Teegarden, NASA/GSFC


Participants are encouraged to give poster presentations of research in areas relevant to the workshop, including gravitational wave sources, astrophysical scenarios, numerical relativity, and gravitational wave data analysis.

Each poster presenter will have 1 minute to present a single view-graph to "advertise" the poster, and will be asked to prepare a 4 page paper for the Proceedings.


Abstract text should be no more than 300 words, and must be submitted electronically.

The Abstract deadline for posters is February 28, 2003. Due to space limitations, it may not be possible to accomodate all requests for posters. Therefore, early registration and submission of abstracts is encouraged.

The Abstract deadline for invited speakers is March 26, 2003.

Workshop Registration

The early registration deadline is March 26, 2003.  Attendees can register for the Workshop on line, by fax or by postal mail. Registration fee must be included with the registration.  A secure on-line registration form is available for registration and credit card payment. If registration is via fax, a credit card must be used; if registration is via postal mail, all forms of payment are possible (credit cards, check or money order). The early registration deadline is March 26, 2003.  After March 26, ALL registrants will pay the late registration fee. The complete fee schedule is as follows:

Early Registration                      $275
Late Registration (after March 26)      $325
Banquet Fee                             $ 45

Registration fee includes the workshop, all-day continuous refreshment breaks (including breakfast), 2 lunches, complimentary parking, and a copy of the proceedings.

No registration will be considered complete until payment is received. Cancellation of a prepaid registration, minus a processing fee of $25.00 can be done any time until Friday, April 4, 2003. After April 4, NO REFUNDS will be available. 


Registration and banquet fees may be remitted one of the following ways:

Cash/Check/Money Order:

    Checks and money orders are to be made payable to "USRA".  Please make sure attendee’s name and "Gravity Wave" is written on the checks.  Cash should not be sent through the mail but may be used at the on-site registration.

Credit Cards:
    Please use Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.  A valid card number and expiration date must be submitted for this payment to be processed.  Also include the name exactly as it appears on the card. 

Workshop Banquet

A workshop banquet is being organized for Friday night, April 25.  It will be held at the Conference Center with a buffet characteristic of this area.  Cost will be $45.00.

Financial Support

Limited financial support will be available, primarily for junior scientists. Participants interested in applying for this should send email to Sandy Barnes with the words "Requesting workshop support" in the subject heading. Please state your area of research, your status (student, postdoc, ...), the name of your institution, and whether you intend to present a poster paper. Graduate students should include the name and email address of their advisors.

The deadline for requesting support is February 20, 2003; you will be notified of the outcome of your request by February 24, 2003.

Hotel Information

The Workshop will be held at The Inn and Conference Center, 3501 University Blvd. East, Adelphi, MD 20783.

The Inn is located on the campus of University of Maryland University College.  It is 12 miles from downtown Washington, D.C., 35 miles from Dulles International Airport, 30 miles from Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) and 20 miles from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the workshop hotel below the current government per diem.   The rate, under the block, is $129.00 per night.  This rate is for both single and double room.  If you want twin beds in the room, you must specify that when making your reservation.

Participants will be required to make their own room reservations.  The reservations phone number is:  1-800-727-8622.  Please refer to "Astrophysics Gravitational Wave Sources" when you are making your reservations to obtain the workshop rate.  The room block has been reserved until March 26, 2003, so please make your reservations by then.  After that day, the rooms will be on a space and rate available basis.

For additional information please contact:

Ms. Sandy Barnes
NASA/GSFC Code 661
Greenbelt, Maryland  20771  USA
Phone:  (301) 286-7780
Fax:  (301) 286-1498

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