The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources
A Workshop
at the University of Maryland's
Inn and Conference Center
April 24-26, 2003
Hosted by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
As the 21st century begins, gravitational wave astronomy is poised to open a new observational window
on the universe. Ground-based kilometer-scale interferometers, such as LIGO, VIRGO, and GEO600, will
observe high frequency gravitational radiation, while the space-based LISA detector will probe the
low frequency regime. Taken together, these gravitational wave detectors will provide an
unprecedented look at astrophysical systems that have previously been viewed almost exclusively
through electromagnetic "eyes."
A workshop on The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources will be held April 24 - 26, 2003 at the
University of Maryland Conference Center. This meeting will focus on the astrophysics of anticipated
gravitational wave sources and the scenarios that surround them. Invited papers and poster
presentations will encompass theoretical studies as well as observations of associated
electromagnetic or particle signatures. Issues that need to be clarified for a better astrophysical
understanding of these sources will be emphasized.
There is limited financial support for junior scientists.
Important Dates to Remember
The Scientific Organizing Committee
Barry Barish, Caltech/LIGO
Peter Bender, JILA
Joan Centrella, NASA/GSFC (Chair)
Dae-Il Choi, USRA
Neil Cornish, Montana
L. Sam Finn, Penn State
Gunther Hasinger, MPE Garching
Vicky Kalogera, Northwestern Univ.
Pablo Laguna, Penn State
Piero Madau, UCSC
Cole Miller, UMD
Richard Mushotzsky, NASA/GSFC
Thomas Prince, Caltech/JPL
Martin Rees, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
Douglas Richstone, Univ. Michigan
B.S. Sathyaprakash, Cardiff
Robin Stebbins, NASA/GSFC
Bonnard Teegarden, NASA/GSFC
For additional information please contact
Ms. Sandy Barnes
NASA/GSFC Code 661
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA
Email: sbarnes@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov
Phone: (301) 286-7780
Fax: (301) 286-1498