Some photos from our calibration runs in Feb. 1998 and Sept. 1998. These took place in the CRyogenic Integration Facility (CRIF) at GSFC, and used 3 sources:
Double-Crystal Monochromator (DCM), which produces monochromatic (single-energy) X-rays by using a pair of crystals. It was used for energies of 1000 to 10000 eV.
Surface-Normal Rotation monochromator (SNR). This produces beams of low-energy (<1000 eV) X-rays with an extremely small spread in energy.
Continuum source. This produces X-rays over a wide range of energies.
Calibration guru Keith Gendreau with the Double-Crystal Monochromator.
The Surface-Normal Rotation monochromator and its designer, Mike Hettrick.
The continuum source shining down onto the test Dewar.
ISAS scientist Ryuichi Fujimoto enjoying some good data.
Overview of the CRIF, where the calibration took place.