#acl All:read This page tracks our priorities for future enhancements to xspec. It is divided into two categories : large projects and small projects based on the estimated amount of effort required. * Large Projects * Provide XSPEC functions in Python. * The best approach is to use a package such as SWIG to provide access to XSPEC objects from Python. * This is likely to require some reworking of top-level objects. * It is probably not a good idea to provide access to lower-level objects. * Use bootstrap resampling to provide goodness-of-fit measures. * Provide options for different units in plots. * Parallelization for multi-core machines. * OpenMP is included in gcc since 4.2 and provides simple #pragma commands. * This is shared memory so need to avoid race conditions. * Identify cpu-intensive models and try to add multi-threading. * Small Projects * Add html help tarball to release and have it install itself in spectral/help (issue #1699) (./) * Allow convolution components to operate directly on multiplicative models (issue #1685) * eg (CM)A in addition to the currently allowed C(MA) * One such component would be a partial covering modification to absorption models * A redshifting model would also be useful. * Add /* option in response to fit continue prompt to allow jumping out of nested fits (issue #1739) (./)