#acl All:read There are a number of tools which may be useful in association with XSPEC. Some of these are built as part of the standard HEAsoft install while others are included in the source release but may need modifications for specific uses. To get these latter make sure you check the box labeled spectral on the download page. * rgsrmfsmooth is an ftool built as part of the standard installation. It is used to modify the XMM RGS response matrix for an extended source. * the spectral/kbmodels directory contains the source code used to build the files required by the various NEI plasma models. * the spectral/raysmith directory contains the source code used to build the raysmith.mod file read by the XSPEC raymond model. * the spectral/tables directory contains example source code to help when making XSPEC table model files. In particular, the subdirectories onepar and twopar contain example programs for tables with one and two parameters, respectively.