Notes on analyzing XTE data using XSELECTReading the data into XSELECTBecause XTE data comes in a rather complex file structure and with non-obvious names it is easiest to start by using XSELECT's ability to make an observation catalog. Start at the top of the data directory tree...** XSELECT V2.2 ** > Enter session name >[xsel] Notes: XSELECT set up for ASCA Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 xsel:ASCA > set miss xte Notes: XSELECT set up for XTE Time keyword is TIME in units of s Default timing binsize = 16.000 xsel:XTE > set instr PCA Setting... Energy keyword = GOOD with binning = 1 xsel:XTE-PCA > make obscat > Enter the Event file dir >[./] > Default filter for the catalogue (NONE for none, DEF for default) >[DEF] Using default selection expression: INSTRUME=='PCA' ******************** Observation Catalogue ******************** Data Directory is: /Users/kaa/RXTE/P40168/ HK Directory is: /Users/kaa/RXTE/P40168/ INSTRUME OBSERVER OBJECT DATAMODE DATE-OBS TIME-OBS HDUCLAS2 1 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-20T 15:23:44 TOTAL 2 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-20T 23:45:20 TOTAL 3 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-21T 23:41:36 TOTAL 4 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-22T 12:05:36 TOTAL 5 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-22T 20:08:32 TOTAL 6 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-23T 21:50:24 TOTAL 7 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-23T 23:32:32 TOTAL 8 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-24T 15:10:24 TOTAL 9 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-25T 07:44:32 TOTAL 10 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-25T 09:20:32 TOTAL 11 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-25T 21:41:36 TOTAL 12 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-26T 09:14:24 TOTAL 13 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-26T 23:38:56 TOTAL 14 PCA KEITH ALEC CYGNUS-A Standard2f 2000-05-27T 18:09:04 TOTALThe catalog lists all the Standard2f data available. Standard2f is the only PCA mode supported by XSELECT. We read in files we want using the choose command... xsel:XTE-PCA > choose 1-2 Setting datamode to Standard2f Got the minimum time resolution of the chosen data: 0.16000E+02, Number of files read in: 2 Files currently in use: 1 FS4a_c01f0be-c020093 2 FS4a_c026650-c027023.gzNote that one file is in gzipped format. Uncompresses will be handled automatically however it is a good idea if the files are large to uncompress them before entering XSELECT since otherwise they will be uncompressed each time they are used within XSELECT. Filtering on PCU, layer, and anodeThe PCA has 5 individual detectors, each with three layers and two anode sides. Products can be accumulated for subsets of the whole instrument using filter detector. Suppose we are interested in only PCU1 but all layers and both sides..xsel:XTE-PCA-STANDARD2F > filt det "0** 2**" Detectors just selected (- means detector will be removed)... X1LSpecPcu0 X1RSpecPcu0 X2LSpecPcu0 X2RSpecPcu0 X3LSpecPcu0 X3RSpecPcu0 X1LSpecPcu2 X1RSpecPcu2 X2LSpecPcu2 X2RSpecPcu2 X3LSpecPcu2 X3RSpecPcu2Some care should be exercised when selecting PCUs because the number of PCUs in use can change during an observation. Note that if the detector string starts with a wildcard (*), ie all PCUs are selected, then the string must be enclosed in double quotes. Extracting light curves and spectraTo make a light curve and spectrum of the selected detectors...xsel:XTE-PCA-STANDARD2F > extr all Running SAEXTRCT version 4.2d ============================================== Processing GTIORFILE /Users/kaa/RXTE/P40168//40168-01-01-00/pca/FS4a_c01f0be-c020093+2 Processing GTIORFILE /Users/kaa/RXTE/P40168//40168-01-01-07/pca/FS4a_c026650-c027023.gz+2 ....... Much additional output ....... ------------------------------------------ Column that is being output is: Combination of many columns Total Counts for FITS Light Curve: 561940.00 Total Time for FITS Light Curve: 6544.000000 Total Counts/Time for FITS Light Curve: 85.871027 Writing out Light Curve FITS file Creating output light curve file: xsel_tmpfillc.fits Wrote Light Curve Writing out GTI for Light Curve FITS file Wrote out GTI extension. Closing Light Curve. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total number of columns output is: 1 ------------------------------------------ Column that is being output is: Combination of many columns Total Counts for FITS Spectrum: 561940.00 Total Time for FITS Spectrum: 6544.000000 Total Counts/Time for FITS Spectrum: 85.871027 Writing out Spectrum FITS file Creating output spectral file: xsel_tmpfilsp.fits Writing out GTI for Spectrum FITS file Wrote Spectrum FITS file Closing Spectrum. Everything is finished. Cleaning up memory and exiting.The light curve and spectrum can be saved using the save curve and save spectrum commands. Automated response generationThe save spec resp=yes option for XTE PCA data simply runs the FTOOL pcarsp. This will produce the correct response provided that the source is at the center of the collimator.
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