ABELL 2029 in Combined

Note that I don't update the images all that often, even after I change things like the regions or fit parameters, so sometimes the images shown might not match the information given.

The X-ray Spectrum
The x-ray spectrum of the cluster for a single temperature MEKAL fit, the residuals of the fit, and the fit parameters. Note that the spectrum from 0.6 to 10 keV is shown for each instrument although a smaller range of energies was usually fitted (e.g., 0.8 to 8.0 keV for the GIS and 0.6 to 8.0 keV for the SIS). The data points (lines) in white, red, green, and blue represent the data for each instrument (or corresponding model) in the order they were read into XSPEC, usually G2, G3, S0, S1.
ABELL_2029_Combined spectrum
nh20 Tx 90% c.l. Zsolar 90% c.l. z fx(0.5-2.0) Lbol lvir chisq dof
3.05 7.38  (7.25-7.53) 0.42  (0.39-0.44) 0.0773 4.94e-11 5.01e+45 1.09 1.09 1757

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