LM_LICENSE_FILE=/home/lhea/craigm/lib/idldist/idl.5.6/../license/license.any ********************* GALACTIC_BULGE_XMINUS ************************ Run date: Thu May 6 14:38:22 2010 Obsid: 95040-06-16-00 Scan Date: 2010/05/17 13:01:00 Scan Type: xmscan ********************* GALACTIC_BULGE_XMINUS ************************ MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 1 --------------------------------------- Time: 0.00 to 140.01 (140.01 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 246.55055, -44.60956 to 258.83063, -34.26777 Roll: 10.00 to -18.06 Max |Roll|: 18.16 to 18.70 Slew: 14.00 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 14.00 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 152.76 to 153.59 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: 4.56 to -7.93 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.451 to 0.423 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 2 --------------------------------------- Time: 300.00 to 460.04 (160.04 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 258.83063, -34.26777 to 245.98365, -47.01715 Roll: -18.06 to 12.36 Max |Roll|: 18.70 to 16.97 Slew: 16.00 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.00 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 153.59 to 150.74 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: -7.92 to 6.01 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.423 to 0.477 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 3 --------------------------------------- Time: 600.00 to 750.12 (150.12 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 245.98365, -47.01715 to 259.51863, -35.89321 Roll: 12.36 to -15.61 Max |Roll|: 16.97 to 17.88 Slew: 15.01 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 15.01 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 150.74 to 152.31 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: 6.01 to -7.18 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.477 to 0.448 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 4 --------------------------------------- Time: 900.00 to 1060.14 (160.14 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 259.51863, -35.89321 to 246.43076, -48.71116 Roll: -15.61 to 12.85 Max |Roll|: 17.88 to 16.11 Slew: 16.01 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.01 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 152.32 to 149.06 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: -7.18 to 6.56 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.447 to 0.501 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 5 --------------------------------------- Time: 1200.00 to 1355.16 (155.16 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 246.43076, -48.71116 to 260.59194, -37.10385 Roll: 12.85 to -14.27 Max |Roll|: 16.11 to 17.09 Slew: 15.52 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 15.52 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 149.07 to 150.96 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: 6.57 to -6.87 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.501 to 0.470 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 6 --------------------------------------- Time: 1500.00 to 1660.14 (160.14 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 260.59194, -37.10385 to 247.44834, -50.04200 Roll: -14.27 to 12.53 Max |Roll|: 17.09 to 15.43 Slew: 16.01 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.01 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 150.97 to 147.58 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: -6.87 to 6.68 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.470 to 0.523 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 7 --------------------------------------- Time: 1800.00 to 1965.10 (165.10 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 247.44834, -50.04200 to 262.40213, -37.47244 Roll: 12.53 to -14.74 Max |Roll|: 15.43 to 16.34 Slew: 16.51 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.51 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 147.58 to 149.54 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: 6.68 to -7.41 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.523 to 0.490 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 8 --------------------------------------- Time: 2100.00 to 2260.04 (160.04 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 262.40213, -37.47244 to 249.59161, -50.62360 Roll: -14.74 to 10.82 Max |Roll|: 16.34 to 14.97 Slew: 16.00 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.00 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 149.54 to 146.48 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: -7.41 to 5.95 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.490 to 0.542 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 9 --------------------------------------- Time: 2400.00 to 2564.95 (164.95 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 249.59161, -50.62360 to 264.22921, -37.81386 Roll: 10.82 to -15.14 Max |Roll|: 14.97 to 15.66 Slew: 16.49 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.49 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 146.48 to 148.10 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: 5.95 to -7.93 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.542 to 0.510 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 10 --------------------------------------- Time: 2700.00 to 2849.88 (149.88 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 264.22921, -37.81386 to 252.79645, -50.39952 Roll: -15.14 to 7.83 Max |Roll|: 15.66 to 14.65 Slew: 14.99 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 14.99 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 148.10 to 145.67 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: -7.93 to 4.41 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.510 to 0.559 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) WARNING: stop projected Y axis too sunwards. WARNING: stop roll exceeds sun angle requirement (14.99) MANEUVER INFORMATION - component 11 --------------------------------------- Time: 3000.00 to 3164.70 (164.70 sec dur) (RA,DEC): 252.79645, -50.39952 to 266.72286, -37.27457 Roll: 7.83 to -17.01 Max |Roll|: 14.65 to 14.99 Slew: 16.47 deg at 6.00 deg/min ( 16.47 deg separation) Sun angle vs S/C X axis: 145.67 to 146.55 deg Sun angle vs S/C XZ plane: 4.41 to -9.28 deg Sun vector, S/C Z-compon.: 0.559 to 0.527 Settling time: 2.20 min ( 132.00 sec) MANEUVER SUMMARY (RA/DEC/ROLL) ------------------------------ MANEUVER DATE: (2010/05/17.542) Start Stop No. RA DEC ROLL *** RA DEC ROLL RATE 1 246.551 -44.610 10.000 --> 258.831 -34.268 -18.057 6.0 2 258.831 -34.268 -18.057 --> 245.984 -47.017 12.360 6.0 3 245.984 -47.017 12.360 --> 259.519 -35.893 -15.606 6.0 4 259.519 -35.893 -15.606 --> 246.431 -48.711 12.847 6.0 5 246.431 -48.711 12.847 --> 260.592 -37.104 -14.266 6.0 6 260.592 -37.104 -14.266 --> 247.448 -50.042 12.529 6.0 7 247.448 -50.042 12.529 --> 262.402 -37.472 -14.738 6.0 8 262.402 -37.472 -14.738 --> 249.592 -50.624 10.817 6.0 9 249.592 -50.624 10.817 --> 264.229 -37.814 -15.145 6.0 10 264.229 -37.814 -15.145 --> 252.796 -50.400 7.834 6.0 11 252.796 -50.400 7.834 --> 266.723 -37.275 -17.012 6.0 TOTAL MANEUVER INFORMATION -------------------------- Number of slews: 11 Total slewing: 173.03 deg Total separation: 173.03 deg Total duration of slews: 1730.28 sec (with settling time): 3182.28 sec *** WARNING: 2 constraints are violated, noted above. *** GALACTIC_BULGE_XMINUS START POSITION: 246.551 -44.610 10.000 95040-06-16-00 2010:137:13:01:00 0 258.831 -34.268 -18.057 6.0 300 245.984 -47.017 12.360 6.0 600 259.519 -35.893 -15.606 6.0 900 246.431 -48.711 12.847 6.0 1200 260.592 -37.104 -14.266 6.0 1500 247.448 -50.042 12.529 6.0 1800 262.402 -37.472 -14.738 6.0 2100 249.592 -50.624 10.817 6.0 2400 264.229 -37.814 -15.145 6.0 2700 252.796 -50.400 7.834 6.0 3000 266.723 -37.275 -17.012 6.0 ******** 2 constraints violated END OF FILE