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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

This website is kept for archival purposes only and is no longer updated.

PoRTIA Photos

photo of PoRTIA flight instrument
PoRTIA flight instrument with CZT and HgI2 detectors in bottom inserts.

photo of PoRTIA in Laboratory while dog Zeke watches
Steve Derdeyn prepares the PoRTIA instrument and gondola for flight in Palestine, Texas, while Zeke (official GRIS mascot) looks on.

close-up of PoRTIA and gondola
Close up of PoRTIA instrument and gondola. The first PoRTIA flight was made on a small gondola which used electronics from the GRIS experiment.

PoRTIA at launch site
Getting ready for launch of the PoRTIA payload in Palestine, Texas.

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