Don Horner's Ph.D. Thesis

This page contains information about my Ph.D. thesis, X-ray Scaling Laws for Galaxy Clusters and Groups.

What's available so far:

  • Download a postscript copy or a PDF (converted from the postscript copy).
  • An ASCII catalog of the main ASCA catalog is available. This catalog has the temperature, metal abundances, and luminosities. See Appendix A in the thesis for a complete explanation of the columns in the table. Note that the fluxes and luminosites in this table have been corrected for the error mention in the Errata section below.
  • A preliminary web page which shows the catalog as well as images of the clusters (and images of the spectra). Note that this page hasn't been updated in a while.

What's happening now:

  • An updated version of the catalog is in preparation. This catalog will have about 20 more clusters from observations that were not public at the time I wrote the thesis.
  • Science papers are in preparation.

The ASCA luminosities and fluxes used throughout the thesis (i.e. those given in Table A.2) are the absorbed values (i.e. not corrected for galactic column density). For most clusters this is not a large effect and should not substantially affect the conclusions.

Last modified: Tue Jan 22 16:10:43 EST 2008
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