HD 5980

Page Last Updated: June 13, 2016

HD 5980 movies

These are movies from HD5980 sims I did in 2012/2013.

The main parameters of the sims are

param (units)prisec
M (Msun)6565
R (Rsun)3030
Mdot (Msun/yr)1e-42e-5
vinf (km/s)17002600
P (d)

density Density in the orbital plane (left) and perpendicular to the orbital plane (right) in the lab frame.
detail Density and temperature in the orbital plane where the stars are fixed to the x-axis (zooming in and out so the stars are stationary as a function of orbit), and the density, temperature, pressure, and velocity along the line between the stars.

The naming convention means the sims have an outer boundary of Rmax=3a, include radiative cooling (solar abundances), accelerate the wind with the anti-gravity method such that they follow a beta=1 velocity law (modulo the influence of the companion's radiation), and are higher resolution relative to other sims I've done.

The shock is clearly in the radiatively cooled regime (as opposed to the adiabatic regime for less-dense shocks), so the quick cooling means there is effectively no hot gas in the simulation.

Line-of-sight Velocity Profile movies

The following movies show the location of SPH gas particles moving at a particular line-of-sight velocity in the simulation. The calculation is done exactly as thermally broadened, Doppler-shifted line emission is done, except the quantity being emitted (rendered) is simply a boolean of whether or not a particle exists at that location. So it just shows you whether or not particle with a particular line-of-sight velocity are located at a projected geometric region. The stars do occult this 'boolean emission'. The sound speed I chose was 25 km/s.

I made the plots in log space to see the full dynamic range, and to account for the differences in particles between the primary and secondary wind. Basically, yellow for primary wind and shocked secondary wind means there are appreciable particles moving at the particular LoS velocity, while the same is true for orange/red and unshocked secondary wind particles.

I made three movies from three different LoSs. One from i=0 (overhead), one from i=90 and conjunction (side view in orbital plane, primary on right), and one from i=90 and quadrature (side view in orbital plane, primary in front).


For reference, the fastest particle in the simulation is moving at |v| = 3320 km/s. This comes from the fact that the radiative forces are additive on the back side of the stars (e.g. right side of primary when primary is on the right [as in "i00" movie]), so the additive vectors of the two radiative forces push the wind to beyond its terminal speed. Unfortunately, this older version of the code had the radiative driving force go through the stars, which is obviously impossible; radiation from the primary will not travel through the opaque secondary and exert its radiative influence on material on the back side of the secondary (the side opposite the primary). Newer versions of the code have have fixed this, where a line-of-sight from the star to the SPH particle is required for driving, but that is not in these simulations. Therefore, the max velocities seen in these sims are too high.

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