• XXVIII IAU General Assembly

    YouTube Video of my invited talk at XXVIII General Assembly of International Astronomical Union, Beijing 2012.

  • Public Talks
    • TriState Astronomers

      In December 2014 I gave a public talk at William Brish Planetarium in Hagerstown, MD for members of TriState Astronomers, a group of amateur astronomers from the area surrounding Hagerstown which includes amateur astronomers from Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia.

      Presentation file in PDF format with embedded movies [40MB]

    • University of Maryland Observatory

      In October 2014 I gave a public talk at University of Maryland Observatory. Here is the announcement in The Washington Post.

    • Interview to AstroMcGill Podcasts

      In September 2013, during my visit at McGill University in Montréal, Canada, I gave an interview for AstroMcGill Podcasts about my research. The podcasts are aimed at informing general public about current research in astrophysics.

      You can listen to this podcast here (as an .mp3 file), or get it on iTunes (Episode 35).